Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The winding paths of life.

Hey guys, this is Intern Stone. I just got done reading an interesting article in a magazine about Mat Kearney.

From what the article said, Mat Kearney didn't start out having aspirations of being a professional musician, but was instead planning on going into photography and cinematography. It wasn't until one summer break he left for Nashville to record some demos and while he was there things just seemed to click for him. He even said in the article "...it wasn't a career choice. It was a passion thing."

His story reminds me a lot of the directions that my own life has taken. When I first got into college I was planning on becoming a biochemist, but after a few years that direction changed and now I'm going into radio broadcasting as well as high school education.

"Many plans are in a man's heart, but the Lord's decree will prevail"
Proverbs 19:21

And now, since I've been talking about Mr. Kearney, how about some music.

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