Monday, September 21, 2009

Hurricane Hugo and Jonny Diaz

So, today marks the 20th anniversary of Hurricane Hugo. The massive, category 5 hurricane killed 109 people and left 100,000 people homeless. On our facebook page, we asked everyone what their story was, and how Hurricane Hugo affected them. Some people had a lot of damage done to their homes, others did not. One person's story is that she and her family evacuated to Charlotte, NC, and when they arrived back to their home, there was a tree in every room of the house except hers. One man told how the Lord had provided a new home in Mt. Pleasant for him and his family after their mobile home was flipped over. Some people weren't even born yet, but told their family's stories. One woman recalled how she hid in a closet under the stairs of her house, while her husband paced around. They had some water damage and the shingles of their roof were ripped off. Even though there were hard times for many, many people after Hurricane Hugo hit, one thing remains true, and that is that our God is amazing and faithful and He will take care of us in His own way, no matter what. If you have a story about Hurricane Hugo that you would like to share, feel free to comment and tell us!

Today, I also feel compelled to talk about Jonny Diaz's song "More Beautiful You". The song is already one of my personal favorites, but the words became very true to me this morning. The subject of females (of all ages) feeling beautiful has always been a difficult barrier. ALL women want to feel even just a little beautiful, whether they admit it or not. I've started working out to lose weight, not just because I want to be healthier, but also because I want to feel more beautiful. I was walking in a breezeway this morning, and I was about to pass by a girl, but then I watched as she looked at her reflection in the glass wall, and smoothed down her shirt. She studied herself, and measured her waist with her hands, and tried to suck in a little bit so she could flatten her stomach. As soon as she started walking again, the chorus of "More Beautiful You" popped in my head. I recalled all the times that I've looked in the mirror, tried on 3 different outfits, tried to fix my hair 5 times, put on my makeup, and just stared at myself pondering what I could do to make myself look "better". Just walk around a mall and you'll see it. Girls looking at themselves in store windows, girls looking at makeup in department stores, and girls studying the display windows, memorizing what kind of clothing is in and what kind of clothing is out. Females of various ages think that outward beauty is the most important. But Jonny Diaz argues with that concept, saying that "you were made to fill a purpose that only YOU could do; there could never be a more beautiful you". So, I challenge any female reading this blog to remember that there could never be a more beautiful YOU. Remember, God formed you in His image, and it's perfect. I also want to challenge the males reading this blog to encourage any female you know of that is struggling with her self-image. It boosts women's confidence way up when a male tells her she is beautiful.

On a lighter note, we have a special event coming up (da-da-da-daaa!). Remember that ONE WEEK FROM TOMORROW starts the Fall Pledge Drive 2009. September 29-October 2. We are really praying for 300 people to pledge $10 a month. If you would like to donate, please visit the way fm website and follow the link on the homepage. Or just go to Whichever is easier for you! ;-) Also, we need volunteers to help with the pledge drive. basically, all you'll need to do is answer phones. It's just that simple! If you would like to volunteer, please call Dianna at the station, (843) 529-9293, or email her at

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