Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Round 2!

Alrighty everybody, Fall Pledge Drive 2009 is in its second day! 80 people called and pledged yesterday, which was incredible!!! We want to thank you and ask everyone to keep up the good work. Remember, we have prizes (hooray prizes!!!!). So, call and pledge! We need you!

On a serious note, we want to know what prayer requests you have. So, comment and let us know!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where's your DIAL turned???

Hey Everyone,

So today is the first day of our Pledge Drive, our goal is 300 people at 10 dollars a month and we feel God will bless us!!

I just want to share how WayFm has impacted my life.... I became a Christian at age 11, I wanted to grow in Lord, I found that I had a love for Christian music so I plugged into a radio station, well I found myself getting board with the music and entertainment because it was repetitive and didn't talk about everyday things that happen in real life... I found myself switching the dial, tuning into secular music, it wasn't until I found 100.9 WayFm did I stop switching the dial... I am so interested in the radio personalities and what they speak of, it's not just talking about what their kids have done that morning ( not that I'm not interested) it's talking about life and giving a biblical persepective to worldly situations... The music keeps me motivated and on track for the day, also as I just listen I'm actually memorizing the songs, so whats going into my head is positive and always a constant about Jesus....

I want to know how WayFm has impacted your life???

Please share we would love to know :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow.....

Sooooooo, TOMORROW starts the Fall Pledge Drive 2009. We're really excited about it. We're praying about it and hope that you are too. Remember, we need 300 people to pledge $10 a month. If you would like to volunteer to help out with the Pledge Drive, call the station at (843) 529-9293 or email Dianna at And in light of the Pledge Drive, we want to know how WayFM has impacted your life! So, let us know by replying to the blog, facebooking us, tweeting, or tell us on myspace!

And now it is time....for the Random Flair Of The Day!

Friday, September 25, 2009

PLEDGE DRIVE!!!!! And some random flair....

Okee Dokee guys! We have some fantabulous news for you. WAY FM has two, yes TWO, Ipod Nanos (the new one...with the video's way cool) to give away at the Pledge Drive. Do you know what that means? It means get invloved! You could be the owner of a brand spanking new Ipod Nano. So, what are you waiting for? Volunteer to help out or become an impact partner by donating $10 a month! :-)

Really, though, we need your help. Because without you, we'll basically disappear. And you don't want that, do you? Didn't think so. We need your prayers, time, and support! Remember that you can donate now if you want to, there's no need to wait for the Pledge Drive! Just go to or call the station at (843) 529-9293. And if you would like to help out with the Pledge Drive, just call Dianna at the station, which is the number you just read about 5 seconds ago, or email her at! Remember that the Pledge Drive begins on September 29 and ends on October 2!

In honor of randomness, since it is Friday and all, we just thought you'd like to have a little fun looking at Some Fabulous Pieces Of Flair People Sent Us On Facebook! So, buckle your seatbelts and here we go!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wassup Wednesday!

Wassup???? So, See You At The Pole took place. Did you participate in it? Most students around the country did, even at college campuses. It's amazing to think that on one day a year, in one hour, a ton of students come together to pray for their school, city, state, and country. It's one of those "wow, this is so amazing and I feel so united with other Christians, and Heaven is going to be so awesome if it's better than this" kind of moments... If you have any of those moments, please feel free to share them!

Here's a "Wow!" story for you. Recently, a student at Western Carolina University actually owed the college about $5,100 in tuition fees because of a mix up in his financial aid. Apparently, he had to pay that money to the school in one day, or he had to leave the school. A campus minister at the school that this student had become friends with found out about the debt this student owed and decided to take matters into his own hands. He got on facebook and his blog and asked everyone he could think of for prayer and donations. The donations came quickly and in no time, there was enough money for the debt to be paid. The campus minister relates to the student's debt being paid like Jesus paid for our debts. After the campus minister found the student at a bus stop and convinced him to come back to the school, the student in turn gave a pair of his shoes to a homeless man at the bus stop. The full story can be found at this link:|main|dl1|link3|

If that link doesn't work, I found the story on the AOL homepage.

It is so amazing and encouraging how some people will act swiftly for the good of others. It's also good to know how the media doesn't always post discouraging news or the latest gossip, that there are good things out there as well. And I applaud the campus minister for pointing to Jesus when the spotlight was on him.

AAAANNNNDDDD...... please don't forget about the Fall Pledge Drive 2009!! We really need your help and you can help us by becoming an impact partner with us. Remember, we are looking for 300 people to pledge $10 a month. And if you can't pledge monthly, you can pledge a single gift. Also, if you would like to volunteer your time to help out with the Pledge Drive, call Dianna at (843) 529-9293 or email her at Thanks, Charleston!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hurricane Hugo and Jonny Diaz

So, today marks the 20th anniversary of Hurricane Hugo. The massive, category 5 hurricane killed 109 people and left 100,000 people homeless. On our facebook page, we asked everyone what their story was, and how Hurricane Hugo affected them. Some people had a lot of damage done to their homes, others did not. One person's story is that she and her family evacuated to Charlotte, NC, and when they arrived back to their home, there was a tree in every room of the house except hers. One man told how the Lord had provided a new home in Mt. Pleasant for him and his family after their mobile home was flipped over. Some people weren't even born yet, but told their family's stories. One woman recalled how she hid in a closet under the stairs of her house, while her husband paced around. They had some water damage and the shingles of their roof were ripped off. Even though there were hard times for many, many people after Hurricane Hugo hit, one thing remains true, and that is that our God is amazing and faithful and He will take care of us in His own way, no matter what. If you have a story about Hurricane Hugo that you would like to share, feel free to comment and tell us!

Today, I also feel compelled to talk about Jonny Diaz's song "More Beautiful You". The song is already one of my personal favorites, but the words became very true to me this morning. The subject of females (of all ages) feeling beautiful has always been a difficult barrier. ALL women want to feel even just a little beautiful, whether they admit it or not. I've started working out to lose weight, not just because I want to be healthier, but also because I want to feel more beautiful. I was walking in a breezeway this morning, and I was about to pass by a girl, but then I watched as she looked at her reflection in the glass wall, and smoothed down her shirt. She studied herself, and measured her waist with her hands, and tried to suck in a little bit so she could flatten her stomach. As soon as she started walking again, the chorus of "More Beautiful You" popped in my head. I recalled all the times that I've looked in the mirror, tried on 3 different outfits, tried to fix my hair 5 times, put on my makeup, and just stared at myself pondering what I could do to make myself look "better". Just walk around a mall and you'll see it. Girls looking at themselves in store windows, girls looking at makeup in department stores, and girls studying the display windows, memorizing what kind of clothing is in and what kind of clothing is out. Females of various ages think that outward beauty is the most important. But Jonny Diaz argues with that concept, saying that "you were made to fill a purpose that only YOU could do; there could never be a more beautiful you". So, I challenge any female reading this blog to remember that there could never be a more beautiful YOU. Remember, God formed you in His image, and it's perfect. I also want to challenge the males reading this blog to encourage any female you know of that is struggling with her self-image. It boosts women's confidence way up when a male tells her she is beautiful.

On a lighter note, we have a special event coming up (da-da-da-daaa!). Remember that ONE WEEK FROM TOMORROW starts the Fall Pledge Drive 2009. September 29-October 2. We are really praying for 300 people to pledge $10 a month. If you would like to donate, please visit the way fm website and follow the link on the homepage. Or just go to Whichever is easier for you! ;-) Also, we need volunteers to help with the pledge drive. basically, all you'll need to do is answer phones. It's just that simple! If you would like to volunteer, please call Dianna at the station, (843) 529-9293, or email her at

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wassup Wednesday

Wassup?! We are really excited because the Rush of Fools and T. Culler concert is coming up! Yay! It takes place THIS FRIDAY, September 18 at 7:00 pm. The concert will be at Northwood Baptist Church! If you somehow don't have tickets yet (we can't imagine why you wouldn't!) you can still get some! All you have to do is go online at or you can call in to the station (843) 529-9293. We can't wait to see you there!

Also: We have our Fall Pledge Drive 2009 coming up September 29-October 2. We would love to become impact partners with 300 people who will pledge $10 a month! If you would like to pledge, you can go to

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fall Plege Drive 2009

Hey everyone! What is new? Well, we have some news for you... The Fall Pledge Drive 2009 is very quickly approaching! We are really hoping and praying to have 300 people pledge to give $10 a month. We want you to become an impact partner with Way-FM. The Pledge Drive takes place September 29-October 2. If you would like to become an impact partner, please go to our website and click the link on the homepage. Please pray about this. Sure, we could share a ton of stories with you about someone's life that's been touched by listening to Way-FM, but all we're going to do right now is ask that you pray. This Pledge Drive is being held so we can stay on the air and bring Christ to the Lowcountry. We would love to be in partnership with you. So......pray and pledge!

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2001 is a day we will always remember. It's almost hard to believe that it was eight years ago. On our facebook page, we asked everyone what they were doing and how they felt when they heard about the attacks that day. There are a good many replies. A few people recounted how they were at work, watching the television. A woman was sent home early from work, so she and her co-workers could be with their families. Another person was traveling and listening to a book on tape, and didn't even know what was going on until she stopped for gas. One woman remembers that she was on the phone with a credit card company and the man on the other line stopped what he was doing and asked her if she knew what was going on. When she replied no, he told her to hang up the phone and turn on the news. She says that when she did, she was screaming "My God!" and sobbing uncontrollably. Where were you on September 11, 2001? I remember that I was in history class, and the principal of our school came over the intercom and announced what was going on. It was hard for us to understand what happened because my school didn't have televisions, so we couldn't watch what was happening. Our teachers were allowed to take turns going to their homes for about an hour each. Classes changed, but we never actually had class. Each teacher did their best to explain what was going on and why it was happening, instead of teaching us our usual school subjects. Finally, our principal called an assembly in the gymansium, and explained what was going on. School was over for the rest of the day, and I remember going home, immediately turning on the tv, and crying as I watched the videos replay of the planes hitting the World Trade Center towers.

We all have our stories of what we felt. Shock, disbelief, confusion, heartbreak, anger, feeling like someone punched us in the stomach. Let us also not forget those who died at the Pentagon and the brave men who took down the plane in Pennsylvania. The main thing I want to help you remember is forgiveness. Most everyone will always remember and respect what happened, but forgiveness plays a huge role in healing as well. Think of the families who were majorly affected by what happened. God wants us to forgive others and to love our enemy. As hard as that sounds, it's what He commands. But, with God as our strength, we can do it. So, that's the challenge to you. You are challenged to not only forgive the people who planned the attacks on our country, but you are also challenged to forgive the enemies you come in contact with on a daily basis.

We also want to know your story. What were your initial feelings on September 11, 2001 and what are your feelings now on September 11, 2009?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

When things don't make SENSE

Have you ever had a day when it seemed things just didn't make sense? Things didn't line up the way you thought they were supposed to and you don't know why??

Yesterday was my day... I prayed throughout the day, I trust Jesus, I trust that God is in control and that I didn't need to mess up the plans he has for me, so I let all of my frustrations and questions in his hands.

Later I had to thank him, he had been preparing me all day for an event which took place that night, it would shake my world. Still, the event in my life is fresh to me, God knew what was going to happen, and he made sure I was prepared!!!

How wonderful is HE?? This is one of many events in my life I can look back and say God was there and he prepared me!!

IS there anyone out there who is going through some stuff or has a uplifting experience they would like to share?

Just know God is Great!!! He loves you :)

Wassup Wednesday!!!!

We, here at 100.9 WAY-FM. have a very special announcement for you. The Fall Pledge Drive will take place September 29- October 2 2009. We're praying to have 300 impact partners donate just $10 a month. If you would like to become an impact partner, please go to Please pray about this and we look forward to a partnership with you that will help bring Christ to the Lowcountry! And that's wassup... :-)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Greetings from West Palm

Hello beautiful Way-fmers! It's your boy, former intern yet intern by heart, Chris!!! I told y'all I would be giving you an all exclusive look into my world in Palm Beach Atlantic University. My first week was super amazing. I have begun to see the Lord working through my life...I know I should be here. The second day I was here, I joined all the newbies in the chapel for some worship. They played You won't relent and take it all!!!! So cool! I choreographed a dance for my fish group...orientation group (the mascot is the sail fish...I needed to wear a gilligan hat for a whole week that had my name on it...I guess that's Christian hazing :P) I also chugged a coke through some nylons, haha! I capped off welcome week with a feet washing ceremony that has really made an impact on my life. Seeing the person who I washed around campus brings back a real sense of vulnerability...made me think...Jesus made himself that vulnerable to us!
After welcome week, dreaded classes started:( I like them though :) A major theme that is being brought up so far is this whole idea that the events of the Bible, the events of history, and the events of my life are interconnected...It's one whole story! Speaking of, the writer whoe changed my life, Francis Chan...Crazy Love anyone...whoop coming in two weeks!!!! I got a job working at the front desk at an all guys residence hall! I rly like it! I have a feeling that things are going to get interesting, just seeing how the people I meet in the front desk will impacy me as well as vice versa!

Yesterday was also super amazing! The Robbie Seay band as well as Jaimie from To Write Love on Her Arms came by for a night of worship and conversation. For those that do not know, To Write Love is an organization to help people dealing with depression, suicide, and cutting! I can hear laughs when he mentions their organization is not only for emos....haha...I can totally relate. I dealt with depression and I am happy all the time. Sometimes I feel like its as dangerous if not more for people who you can not read! It was definitely emotional as people stood up with their emotions and stories!

I also got my first assignment for The Beacon school newspaper yesterday! I'll keep you posted on that in the days to come! I will leave y'all with Robbie Seay's "Song of Hope"

Friday, September 4, 2009

A Friday Post

Goodmorning everyone! Hoping you're having a great day, as well you should because it is Friday and it is also Labor Day Weekend! So, Happy Labor Day to you and lots of prayers for safety. Would you like to know some events coming up? I know you do! Dear readers, we have concerts and quite a few of them! First on the list, we have Rush of Fools and T.Culler coming to Northwood Baptist Church on September 18 at 7pm. I hope you're super-psyched about that! Needtobreathe will be performing at the Music Farm in downtown Charleston on September 26 at 9pm, tickets are $12 in advance ( and $15 at the door. MercyMe, FEE, and Jonny Diaz are coming to the North Charleston Coliseum on October 23, doors open at 6pm, concert starts at 7pm. Travis Cottrell will be holding a concert in Hollywood, SC at Christ St. Pauls Church on October 25 at 6:30pm; tickets are $20 each. Brandon Heath, Leeland, and Francesca Batistelli will be at Cathedral of Praise on November 4 at 7pm, tickets are $15, to order go to or call 800-965-9324. Can I get a "WOOHOO!" for awesome music? :-) The Fall Pledge Drive 2009 is approaching. We are hoping for 500 impact partners who will pledge $10 a month. If yould like to help support, please go to and donate. It is greatly appreciated. Also, September 18-19 there will be a women's conference at Miles Road Baptist Church. Dr. Debbi Dunlap will be the speaker and tickets are $20 each. Alright, guys, would you like a fun tid-bit of info? According to a Forbes survey, these are the top 5 happiest cities in the world. Ready? (drumroll please...)
1. Rio de Janiero, Brazil

2. Sydney, Australia

3. Barcelona, Spain

4. Amsterdam, Netherlands

5. Melbourne, Australia

Two questions popped into my mind when I saw this list: 1) Why isn't one of them Orlando, Florida? (because it is home to the "Happiest Place On Earth" aka: Disney World!!!) and 2) What is the definition of happiness to the people in these cities? Granted, it's just a survey, but I just want to know.