Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wow..what a day ..really haven't been able to get much up here this afternoon..this day has just been a crazy one..Been great though..i really do love days like this when you have NO IDEA where the entire day went..anyone catch the sarcastic tone it really has been a productive one..Talked with the folks from The Susan G. Koeman foundation..October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month..and this is not just a female issue..if effects ALL..this cancer has no problem tearing apart families..and our goal along withthe foundation is to raise awarenss on the affects it has on everyone. We will be running the interview next Sunday at 6 during the Low Country Chapter. So i really wanted to report that i had a great interview with Francesca..but that did not happen we have been going through all sorts of growing pains and it just didn't work out the way we wanted it to yesterday but thats all good..we soon will be back on track speaking with her..I promise gonna have much more stuff up here in the morn..peace out!!!!

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