Thursday, September 11, 2008


Seven years later and it still feels the same. Like Brant said this matter where you were in the world or what you were doing you remember it like it was yesterday..Crystal Clear. Those images never will be erased from our memory. They can't! I remember everything about that day. I was in college and was woken up by people coming into my bed room screaming for me to turn on the TV. Once the TV was was like we as a nation, could not look away. We all watched the horror unfold right in front of our eyes. It has been said many times before that the events of that day could not have been scripted any differently from a Hollywood Screen writer..But that is exactly what it felt like..honestly...I felt like i was watching a scene from a new Michale Bay movie..the events felt like a Hollywood production...but the scary thing was once you realized that NOPE you are not watching a movie...this is real life...this is happening. I know at the time i was very confused as to why this was first i thought it was an accident..of course this had to be...but watching the second plane hit..YOU KNEW what was happening. Walking around the University after the two towers fell..was like walking in a ghost town..Not a single person was felt alone..I could hear the birds chirping..and honestly i could hear the lights on the stop light changing..that is how quite it was on the campus that morning and afternoon. After the millions of phone calls and conversations with the brothers in the fraternity as well as teachers and administrators...I got to a place where i felt alone..helpless..angry..scared..scared..and changed..I think all of us got to that place..but the reassuring part of what happened that day was to see the country after its worst blow since the "Day of Infamy" of Pearl Harbor..we came together..we pulled our selves up by the bootstraps with Gods help and changed...all we had to do was look to him for direction...maybe not for answers..or explanations..but for guidance..strength..courage..and faith...Out a miserable day in our nations history..the worlds history..we all got closer to GOD..I know i did..and I hope you did..We will never forget..we can never forget...God has a plan for you..for me..for us...and maybe we might not understand why things are happening..all we can do is give it up to him..he is our father and will do no harm he is there to "help a brother out" ...He says that in Matthew..."Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and i will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. for I am gentel and humble in heart , and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"

God bless you and keep this day in your heart! PEACE!

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