Monday, September 15, 2008

"Growing Pains"

Soooo just got off the phone with Kirk know Michael Severs...its so funny when I was growing up..this was the dude that I wanted to be..just a chill..ladies man...BOY how he has changed and for the better..He is out promoting his new film "Fireproof" which looks amazing. He was a really great guy to talk with and we had an awesome interview which I will post on the website very keep checking it. But it was a really great experience to see how people have and can change..they always say that you can never teach an old dog new tricks...well i hate to be the one to burst your bubble..but you most certainly can..We are all evolving, changing each day, and I hope that when im 75 years old I am still amazed as to how much I can changed.. An encouraging day!!!

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