Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Costume Time

I know its horrible but yes I'm one of those that likes to dress my dogs up and laugh at them..Everyone this is Madison...the cow..and Sophie..the devil dog..lol.. Getting ready for Halloween time..Enjoy

Monday, September 29, 2008


Well this morning was the begining of our Local Side of the Morning Show. I joined Brant and Pablo..Nikki was sick..on the air this morning..it was a great time. From now on you can catch me on there with traffic reports weather stuff community calendar things..that type of stuff.. Filling you in on everything Charleston. Hopefully everyone had a great weekend..was a great one for the fam..we finally got our fence up in the back yard and the "girls" our two dogs, Madison and Sophie..are now loving life with so much room to prace and play..Makes me feel really great that they can get out there and play and be dogs..instead of being cooped up in the house. The new movie Eagle Eye came out on Friday and I am really interested in seeing this film..This week I plan to have a review of it up here on the site..but so far the critics are eating it up.. This film is produced by Steven Spielberg so its got to have some great parts in it..But i will have something up here soon. No doubt it will have some off the wall themes to it..but i think we need stuff like that sometimes to really center us. I don't know its kinda crazy but I'm looking forward to it. Holla..!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Beach Praise Fest this Saturday @ 2pm

I know that everyone already has there weekend plans under wraps already..but if you get the chance to get to Folly Beach this Saturday say around 2 you will be able to partake in the festivities that is Beach Praise Fest...This festival full of local aritsts and speakers is being put on by North Palm Ministry Center. I will be out there selling some new t shirts and meeting all you fine people. It really is going to be a great time. I look forward to it. Hopefully everyone has had a wonderful week..It has been pretty crazy for us here at the station.. More later...peace out!!


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wow..what a day ..really haven't been able to get much up here this afternoon..this day has just been a crazy one..Been great though..i really do love days like this when you have NO IDEA where the entire day went..anyone catch the sarcastic tone there..lol..No it really has been a productive one..Talked with the folks from The Susan G. Koeman foundation..October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month..and this is not just a female issue..if effects ALL..this cancer has no problem tearing apart families..and our goal along withthe foundation is to raise awarenss on the affects it has on everyone. We will be running the interview next Sunday at 6 during the Low Country Chapter. So i really wanted to report that i had a great interview with Francesca..but that did not happen we have been going through all sorts of growing pains and it just didn't work out the way we wanted it to yesterday but thats all good..we soon will be back on track speaking with her..I promise gonna have much more stuff up here in the morn..peace out!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Crossing Over!

Now a days it really isn't hard to believe that Christian Artist are crossing the bridge so to speak to the Secular World...or maybe its the other way around..Anyways..On a recent episode of the MTV's "non scripted" reality show "THE HILLS" Francesca Battistelli as well as Superchick had songs play during the highly popular TV program. There have been a few artist in the past who have made the transisition over and bridged the gap..Switchfoot, TobyMac, and especially lately The Jonas Brothers. Things are going well for the artist who are featured on the program..it really is just a jumping point for the mainstreem audience to grab ahold of these amazing artists that grace our air waves day in and day out. I have the amazing opportunity to speak with Francesca this afternoon..which I will soon post the interview on the site here...I am extremely exicted to speak with her..If you all have any ideas or questions that you want me to aske her please comment and I will make sure to ask her. She did an amazing interview with the MTV if you want to check it out click here.


What if We…just the title alone will pique the curiosity of any seeker, eager to run with Brandon after the elusive. Mr. Heath doesn’t disappoint, striking all the right chords on this, his sophomore effort. He paints the canvas of the radio-friendly opener with wide brush strokes of rising strings and a hip-hop backbeat. Track two is a jaunty, drum-driven song, with a hint at God’s continuing work in our lives. The show stealer is the melancholy “London,” where just the right mix of an evocative tone and a yearning piano make it Heath’s most illustrious moment. Similarly, he scores with “Listen Up,” a witty plea for men everywhere to lend a more sympathetic ear.

Lyrically, this Dove Award winner succeeds on every track, showcasing a maturity betraying his relatively young age. He also demonstrates versatility. “Fight Another Day” is especially infectious where Heath’s joyous vocal shapes the “crank-it-up” chorus. Still elsewhere, he teams up with Christy Nockels (Watermark) to pen the worship song “No Not One” which proclaims God’s supremacy.

There’s something here for everyone, including the deceptively simple “Love Never Fails,” a lush arrangement of gentle violins and finger-picked guitar that’s sure to make its way into wedding ceremonies everywhere. What If We is an endearing 11-song journey, replete with fanciful arrangements, lyrical imagination and an authentic vocal that makes every step a joy. –Grace S. Cartwright

courtsey CCMMagizine.com

From Korn TO Christ!

The past couple years have been remarkable for Brian “Head” Welch, guitarist and founding member of one of the most successful metal bands of all time. Korn, the group Welch formed with friends from Bakersfield, California, spawned the nu-metal revolution in the ’90s and sold more than 25 million records worldwide. Their rocket trip to the top came at a price, though; one that included loneliness, depression, self-destruction and a desperate drug addiction for Welch.

The 36-year-old guitarist unpacks it all in his new autobiography, Save Me From Myself: How I Found God, Quit Korn, Kicked Drugs and Lived To Tell About It (Harper One). From his early childhood in a typical, if not idyllic American family, through his formative teen years and his discovery of heavy metal, right through to the birth and success of his dream band, Welch pulls no punches. While certainly not your usual “tell all” (He, in fact, shows remarkable restraint and respect when discussing anything related to the band.), the memoir is also not a typical testimony account.

Welch’s book reads like the reluctant but thorough confession that it is—one spurred by obedience to a calling. When originally approached about the idea of writing out his testimony, he flat refused. “I don’t even think I really prayed about it,” Welch tells CCM via phone from his home in Arizona. “I just said, ‘No.’” In fact, after a flurry of media interest and exploitation following his public confession of faith and departure from Korn, Welch disappeared from the public eye and went into a two-year seclusion during which he focused on increasing his understanding of the Bible and worked out his new faith with anonymous fear and trembling amidst a small and devoted community of believers.

“I was fresh off drugs when God revealed Himself to me,” Welch explains of his first days as a believer thrust into the spotlight. “It was such a real encounter that I had, and I was just so happy that God was alive and that life meant something different now. I was so excited to leave the band because I wasn’t happy there. I wasn’t happy being rich and famous. I was done with it. After I got saved, I just went full force. I wanted to do interview after interview. But now I know I was saying stuff that wasn’t really right sometimes. There were some people that were warning me and suggesting that I needed to grow in the Lord and take some time with Him. I went into seclusion until very recently. I’ve been in hibernation.”

The seclusion turned out to be a difficult but important part of the journey for Welch. “Pain, pain, pain,” he says of the process God took him through. “I went through brokenness, and I went through tears. I cried. I’m still in a phase of healing and brokenness. I had to learn about the cross. I had to learn about love. I had to learn about suffering. I had to learn about all that stuff of the Kingdom, and I’m still learning. I thank God for the seclusion. I thank God that He settled me down to just chill for a while and learn about His ways.”

Russell Brand might be the best thing to ever happen to purity rings. The brash British comedian was pounded by Jonas Brothers fans after mocking their purity rings during MTV’s Video Music Awards show a few weeks back. Well, the ribbing might have actually become a blessing in disguise for the movement. Jason Burtt, national director of Silver Ring Thing, a program that asks teens to pledge to remain virgins until marriage had this to say.

Nothing negative, but mostly positive support from all over the country from people interested in the program. While this Christian organization doesn’t sell purity rings, they do run more than 70 programs a year for teens in which they spread a message of abstinence until marriage, offering a ring to those who complete the course.

For their part Nick Jonas told the BBC…

For us, it’s cool to see that he recognizes we are gentlemen.

Brother Kevin was equally complimentary, saying…

We had a lot of friends there, and everybody’s so nice. We had a good time.

The Jonas Brothers may be young, they may be making and playing pop songs to mainstream audiences, but you can’t deny they’re staying true to who they are and where their heart lies through it all.

Read more here!!


Good Morning...I have recently found the new flavor to AWESOMENESS in coffee flavor...Diana our OFFICE WORK Horse...and i say those words very kindly..brought in a new flavor of creamer...Black cherry Strusslle something..lol.I'm not sure..but my Lord almighty..this stuff is RAD..its the type that once you take a wiff of your sweet goodness that the only thing that you can think of..is that jingle from the Foldgers commercial.."THE BEST PART OF WAKINGING UP..." yeah i just sang that while i wrote it..lol..anyways..it is sooo fliping good..Anyways..here is the deal we are still in Pre Pledge Drive mode here at the station and we need your help with Volunteers Donors and Contributurs to YOUR radio station..Thats the thing..this is not a radio station that we are running just for the fun of it...this is a radio station for YOU and YOUR FAMILY..if You and YOur Family love this statino we need your support. Please contact us by email at wayx@wayfm.com or call us in the studio at 843-529-9293. WE love you guys and want to hear from you...In the words of Rev Run from RUN DMC...God Is Love PEace OUT!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Franklin Graham Low Country Festival Pics

If you were there and have any pictures that you would love to up on Press Pray..then please email them to wayx@wayfm.com
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!!!!...if you are reading this than you need to come and help us out..October 14-17th we will be having our First Fall Pledge Drive to raise enough money to keep your station on the air for another year. We are a listener supported Radio station which means that we rely on donations and gifts from people just like you. We are looking for Volunteers to help us around the office during our pledge drive..answering phones running things here and there...basically being here supporting the station. If this sounds like something you might be interested in..or if you know some people who would be down for this kind of stuff. please call us or just come by the station in North Charleston..the number is 843-529-9293..We are looking forward to a great Pledge Drive..but it can only be Great with people like you out there supporting the station..Take care talk soon...........

Monday, September 22, 2008


Hope everyone had an amazing time at the FRANKLIN GRAHAM festival..Was really great. Thanks so much to everyone who came by and hung out with us. Stop by our website and buy a t shirt to show your favorite radio station some love..lol..take care talk soon!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

So sick..:(

Not feeling so hot..so sorry ya'll gonna take a break real quick and hit ya up some stuff after I feel a bit better..Good news though..found out today that my best friend is getting married..so very excited for him..RAD..holla!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The New Look

Alright so you might have noticed a few new things on here..We have changed the layout of the Blog itself..soon we will have Artist Interviews on the sight that you will be able to listen to..Also the site is now called PRESS PLAY..this is to represent you ability to get what ever you want from this site just by clicking on it..hence Press Play. Hope you all enjoy..and very soon I will post the interviews with Brandon Heath and Kirk Cameron..Take care hope all is well..PEACE!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

"Growing Pains"

Soooo just got off the phone with Kirk Cameron..you know Michael Severs...its so funny when I was growing up..this was the dude that I wanted to be..just a chill..ladies man...BOY how he has changed and for the better..He is out promoting his new film "Fireproof" which looks amazing. He was a really great guy to talk with and we had an awesome interview which I will post on the website very soon..so keep checking it. But it was a really great experience to see how people have and can change..they always say that you can never teach an old dog new tricks...well i hate to be the one to burst your bubble..but you most certainly can..We are all evolving, changing each day, and I hope that when im 75 years old I am still amazed as to how much I can changed.. An encouraging day!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Seven years later and it still feels the same. Like Brant said this morning..no matter where you were in the world or what you were doing you remember it like it was yesterday..Crystal Clear. Those images never will be erased from our memory. They can't! I remember everything about that day. I was in college and was woken up by people coming into my bed room screaming for me to turn on the TV. Once the TV was on..it was like we as a nation, could not look away. We all watched the horror unfold right in front of our eyes. It has been said many times before that the events of that day could not have been scripted any differently from a Hollywood Screen writer..But that is exactly what it felt like..honestly...I felt like i was watching a scene from a new Michale Bay movie..the events felt like a Hollywood production...but the scary thing was once you realized that NOPE you are not watching a movie...this is real life...this is happening. I know at the time i was very confused as to why this was happening..at first i thought it was an accident..of course this had to be...but watching the second plane hit..YOU KNEW what was happening. Walking around the University after the two towers fell..was like walking in a ghost town..Not a single person was out...you felt alone..I could hear the birds chirping..and honestly i could hear the lights on the stop light changing..that is how quite it was on the campus that morning and afternoon. After the millions of phone calls and conversations with the brothers in the fraternity as well as teachers and administrators...I got to a place where i felt alone..helpless..angry..scared..scared..and changed..I think all of us got to that place..but the reassuring part of what happened that day was to see the country after its worst blow since the "Day of Infamy" of Pearl Harbor..we came together..we pulled our selves up by the bootstraps with Gods help and changed...all we had to do was look to him for direction...maybe not for answers..or explanations..but for guidance..strength..courage..and faith...Out a miserable day in our nations history..the worlds history..we all got closer to GOD..I know i did..and I hope you did..We will never forget..we can never forget...God has a plan for you..for me..for us...and maybe we might not understand why things are happening..all we can do is give it up to him..he is our father and will do no harm he is there to "help a brother out" ...He says that in Matthew..."Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and i will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. for I am gentel and humble in heart , and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"

God bless you and keep this day in your heart! PEACE!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Technical Difficulties!!! To Be Fixed Soon

Alright so here is the deal.....we are in the process of an UPGRADE..YEAH..this is good..but like the old saying goes.."its gonna get a lot worse before if gets better!" And that my fine friends is what we are going through right now. This morning and even last night you might have heard that we were off the air..well that is true..we have had some issues with our signal..Good thing about this is that it is getting fixed..Our tower that we are on right now is a good deal shorter than what our new tower will be..so cross your fingers and send the prayers a flyin...maybe by the Franklin Graham Festival on the 19-21st we will have a new stronger and clear signal..So this means you out in Mt. Pleasant and Downtown who have a difficult time hearing us..that should be fixed and you along with the residents of the Low Country will be snapin your fingers and singin along to you favorite WAY-FM Artists. Please keep checking us out online as well...soon we will have our 100.9 Way Fm T shirts up on the web fo you to get..they are nice...believe me..I would wear them..lol..Anywho..thank you so much for all of you who are sticking by us in our time of Technical Difficulties..LOL..Take care..PEACE OUT!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Busy Bees

Alright ya'll so the time has come..well almost.. very soon..we will have our full upgrade on our signal..Which means that where ever you are in the Low County you will be able to hear a stronger clearer signal..AMAZING..can not wait..With our upgrade though we will be off the air for a few hours once the guys get out to the tower and raise us up to 700 feet..so please if you tune on to us and we are not there..we didn't go anywhere we are just getting ready to better service you. CAN NOT WAIT. While all these upgrades are happening I want all of you to think about coming on board with us for our Pledge Drive which is in October. The 14th to 17th we will be asking the community to let us know what you think of the all New 100.9 Way Fm. Donations and gifts are the only way that we really stay on the air. We are a listener supported station and without your love we will fade away..so all the upgrades in the world will not help us. This is a very important time for your radio station. We will be changing programing a bit to make sure that everyone in the Low Country is aware of how important you are to us. So keep checking here for updates on that. Before we get into to Pledge Drive mode though....Circle on your Calanders Sept 19 to the 21..The Low Country Franklin Graham Festival is comming to the North Charleston Coliseum and Way -FM will be there. More details in the next few day....stay tuned.....Much love and PEACE OUT!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Technical Issues!

Hey guys..just wanted to give ya a quick update..our website is down for right now..the guys back at corporate in CO are working to get it back and running.sooo hopefully soon we will have something back up by the end of the day. We shall see. Some really exciting news though..We are going to be interviewing Brandon Heath today..very excited for that..We will be airing it very soon..stay tuned..lol...talk at ya soon..!! PEACE!!!