Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thoughts 4 Thursday with Intern Chris

Hey guys, I'm Chris, intern and blogger for 100.9 Way-FM Charleston. This week has been an extremely amazing one. First off, I would love to believe I was inadvertently shouted out by Wally in yesterday's Total Axxess! In my blog on MONDAY, I discussed the new album by STRYPER, Murder by Pride. On his show, he also mentioned I'm sounding like I'm stretching it a lot...but the exciting thing was the fact that he followed the exact same format in which I presented my information!!!! Okay, I probably shouldn't jump the gun, but I can dream, can't I :P JD is doing some finishing touches on my first ever radio spot...I really loved recording it and, as this jobs continues to reveal things about the radio business, I'm considering going from written to broadcast journalism...but it's merely a thought right now! I might be getting a second job! I love my internship, but I do need money for college...that's why I'm taking on two. I have an interview Tuesday for a job @ the family Christian Store in Citadel mall...It was that exact store that made me think of getting this internship...Can somebody say God! I introduced a Prayer section on my blog by the suggestion of my mother. I thought it was a great idea. I recently got baptized about two months ago and am firmly starting my journey. One of the things I love about being a Christian is prayer! I just get on my knees and am given entry to speak to the creator of the whole earth. It's a beautiful thing. I've seen prayer work, and, especially this summer, I've started seeing the patience behind prayer. Jesus says that when you go to pray, you have to believe that what you are praying will come true. And with this, I feel convicted that Prayer is not just a few words said between you and God...Prayer is reaching deep down and connecting with your spirit as well. One final note on prayer...its like shampoo...haha...I mean the whole lather, rinse, repeat idea! Repetition is key...I feel if something is heavy on my heart, I should pray for it everyday! It shows that I am truly convicted to what I pray about! And another final, final note about prayer that was brought up in a facebook comment...There is no such thing as an unimportant or small prayer!
Something that has popped up a lot this week has been the idea of forgiveness! I work at my church's children's ministry, and that's our theme for the week (we played a scene from meet the Robinsons!). My youth group leader has a series about bitterness, and today he talked about this idea that when we withhold forgiveness, it is like we are drinking a poison and expecting the other person to die! We carry the load at the end of the other person's wrong doing! Jesus says that we should forgive 7 x 77 times...meaning not 6039 times but a really large amount! I'm in the process of reading Persuasion by Jane Austen as well, and the character of Anne Elliot (spoiler alert) is in the end forgiven by someone she caused so much pain to! This past summer, as my walk has grown, I've been starting to forgive....I have a relative who is struggling with alcoholism, and I had stopped talking to him for a whole year! This summer, I quickly put myself in his shoes...what load is he carrying and how much of that load is caused by my negative feelings toward him...I was never sent hear to condemn but to love! I know it's easier said then can I love someone who has broken my trust, abandoned me at times, and has so many problems... God does!!! I'll leave y'all with MY PLAYLIST for the week of July 20,2009 provided by youtube:

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Way FM is amazing!!! Yall do such a great job! :D