Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2sday Topics and Tweets

Welcome back to your favorite misspelling of Tuesday spot, Press Play! Once again, we asked, and you guys sent us your replies...but, before we get into a list of your favorite movies, let's cover some Way-FM Logistics. The day has finally come my friends...Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella is being screened TODAY @ Cathedral of Praise:The Loft. The event starts at 7PM but get there before to make sure you get seats...they are limited. Bring the whole family to what should be a rather silly night full of silly songs :) For more information, visit our Facebook event page! We are also getting ready for the Rush of Fools concert coming to Northwoods Baptist on Sept 18th at 7PM. We have special offers at our station. With the purchase of ten tickets, you can get two tickets for free. You can also get VIP passes for 25$. These include signed CDs, meet and greets, posters, and first dibs on seating! SO come by the station and pick those up!

Now, if I remember correctly, I made a list last week of some pretty cool books to check out! But, I must say, having been the person who can't sit around staring at pages for more than thirty minutes, getting comfortable on your couch as popcorn pops in the microwave watching an entertaining movie is not a bad way to pass the time on a hot summer day. That being said, 2day's 2sday Topic is movies and here's what YOU recommended:

  • Fireproof
  • Facing the Giants
  • Hangman's Curse
  • One Night with the King
  • Rat Race
  • V for Vendetta
  • The Cable Guy
  • The Notebook
So, I just want to point out that some of these movies aren't Christian oriented, but some of y'all found them entertaining...So before you go out and rent some of these movies, I'd suggest researching them as well as checking those all so necessary ratings! That being said, I'd like to focus in on Fireproof, a film getting a lot of attention in the Christian world as of late. Fireproof is about the struggles of marriage and weathering those storms. The story revolves around a fire fighter and his wife who are considering divorce due to the husband's inability to put his wife before himself. As their lives crash, he receives a book that changes everything. The tag line of the film is the code of firefighting : Never leave your partner behind! What a coincidence...it fits the idea of marriage as well! Now, I found the movie quite inspirational. I shed a tear or two when parallels were drawn between human relationships and the relationships we have with God as well as during moments when Kirk becomes a hero to his wife. That being said, I can only give this film a 3/5 for excessive over and underacting, failed attempts at jokes, and failed attempts at action sequences. The movie kinda turns into a walking cliche at times from a movie standpoint, but, from a religious standpoint, it provides a much needed message. But, as always, don't take my word for it...here's what YOU are saying:

"My Favorite Movie would have to be Fireproof... I took my husband to see it and It was a major turning point for us and our marriage.. God blessed us with this movie and it saved our marriage. Since the movie we have renewed our vows and put the past behind us.. The Future looks great for us and with Gods help and trusting in him all looks good.. Praise God..." Jamie Brown

"I would have to agree with Jamie... although FIREPROOF didn't help my relationship (because he was unwilling to change), it did give me a better understanding and desire for what I want in my next relationship. That is the relationship I want for me and my children. I also live by Jer29:11 everyday!!" Tricia Copeland Shingler

You can snag a copy of Fireproof at your local Family Christian Store or visit their website at www.fireproofthemovie.com!
Kirk Cameron to Mister Rogers, we're Talk'n YOUR Tweets! Our first tweet comes from sister station wayfm_nashville who tweets, "Ran out of balance bars...so it's toast and coffee= breakfast of champions." Here at Way-FM Charleston, we are fueled by Coffee Mate Hazelnut and old Dorito bags from past events...richpadg tweets, "Ahhhhh!!!!! I forgot to bring my socks to work. I wear flip flops to work and change into shoes, kinda like Mr.Rogers in a way." Surprisingly, his boss didn't mind the shoes or the lack of song that incorporated the lack of shoes...cgooge tweets, "Why are my voice mails coming in a day late?!?" Googe's, I totally left you a message yesterday telling you your phone was having problems. Oh. ha ha, my bad....now, my friend Steveshore is beginning to live rebelliously tweeting that he hit the snooze button four times today. Granted all four times were at FOUR O' CLOCK in the morning...
And now, this week's Prayers:

Missy Green: Persisting migraine and nephew leaves the country to teach English
Andrea D: Husband
Pat MacKinnon: Daughter and Team Mozambique mission to Africa
Clay Shook: 24 year old, Andy, in Afghanistan with the Marines in the front lines
Jeremiah Young: Walker was in a motorcycle accident, healing and peace for family and the person who hit him
Debbie Joyner: Tim, missions work in China
Cameron Larkin: dad
Richard Johnson: paying job
Teresa Delle Baughman: continuing in God's miracle
Josie Silvagnoli-Acosta: discernment and direction
JD Hanks: adoption
Don't forget those prayers from last week! Repition is key! On tomorrow's blog I'm asking y'all Wassup Wednesday?!?!? For now, I am leaving y'all with a video made by You for Rush of Fools Undo:

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