Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Time to get caught up..

Alright so it has been about a week or so maybe more since we have updated this here blog..and there is a very good reason for that..WE HAVE BEEN BUSY...lol..that really is the truth..First I just want to thank all that helped out during our first Pledge Drive our One Little Miracle...and although we didn't surpass our goal we are still in complete thanks to all that donated..it truly was a lil miracle..and we thank you all. Secondly we have been preparing for the Coastal Carolina Fair that kicks off on Thursday..that is this Thrusday the 30th..come and hang out with us..its always a great time at the fair and this is only gonna make it more special that you will be out there with us and its WAY-FM's first time at the Fair..we are so excited to meet and talk with all of you.. We will be at Booth 119 in the Far Grounds you will not be able to miss us. We are gonna have a really awesome give away as well as some new WAY-FM T shirts for sale and some CD's ..WOW i am so excited for this thing..only Two Days away and it will be here..YA HOOOOOOOO... I love me some fair food...HOw much ya wanna bet i will eat at least one every type of food.....the real question is ..how much ya wanna bet im gonna put on like 10 lbs of fair food...uhhhh i can already feel my self getting bloated..lol..Anways it s all in good fun.. Remember we will be out there every single day of the Coastal Carolina Fair October 30 until Closing night on Saturday November 8th...Ohhhhh and yes the fair is going on the 4th of November which we all know is Election day..Do your self a favor and go and vote..its one of the amazing rights that we have as Americans..so may fought and died and are still fighting for you to have the freedom so please take part...Alright PEace out Much love...See you at the FAIR!!!!!!!

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