Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Countdown

Alright T Minus just a few days...Pledge Drive is Literally Right Around The Corner...Wow..ya know it really is going to be a great time..This is a chance for us who are working in the WAY FM family get to open our arms to you and welcome you into it...The dates are next Tuesday the 14th until Friday the 17th..we will be broadcasting live from 6 am to 7pm each you will have more than enough chance to be able to tell us your story on how the station has and or could impact your life. We are very excited abou this opportunity to share with you...and look forward to your participation as well..On a diffrent note..i know that i haven't be keep up with this as much as I would like..but with the Pledge Drive and the debates last nigth..Did you watch them..what you think...??..It really has been a crazy few weeks..The wife and I have a friend from Charlotte coming in to town this weekend so that should be fun..but more than likely that means..the girls going out to the beach or what ever and me painting our new either way...the weekend is is all good....Im out updates later..pEACE!

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