Friday, November 7, 2008

OMG..I am terrible!

It has just been too long for me to even make an excuses for why I haven't got to this blog lately. Well here is a really bad attempt to explain. We have all been out at the Coastal Carolina Fair..and the week before that we cleaned up everything from our very first Pledge Drive..and the week before that it was Pledge Drive..So attempt..a bad one..but Anyways..we have all been out at the Coastal Carolina Fair meeting and greeting shaking hands with all you loyal listenrs and we thank you soooo much. Today and Tomarow are the last two days that you can come by and see us and register to win our amazing Prize Pack that we will be giving away Monday Morning at 7:30 am..during Mornings With Brant. So please come by and see us. We have all kinds of CDs a few T Shirts and the DVD Facing the Giants. and a Veggie Tales DVD.. YOu do not want to miss this..See you out there..The Coastal Carolina Fair Booth 119 in the Exhibit Hall...PEace out!!!

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