Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Winter Wonder Slam!

It seems for the past couple year TobyMac has put together a show known as Winter Jam with some popular artist. These things are amazing! There's always a great combination of artist and great merch tables. Intern Charles here and I love Winter Jam. I saw this show only once, but I wish I didn't miss the ones previous. The show was loud, flashy, and just plan fun. I went with my youth group expect just a normal concert setup but this is something different. It's so hard to describe how cool this show is, you just have to be there. The year I went there was Tobymac, Francesca, Brandon Heathe, Hawk Nelson, and Stephanie Smith.

Oh, funny story. I was walking around USC's basketball stadium and I was helping someone in my youth group get a CD. Well as I was waiting for them to get a CD, I turn around and saw Jason Dun (singer of Hawk Nelson). I turned around and shook his hand and asked if he was doing alright. He replied, "Yeah, I'm doing great! Nice to meet you but I got to get to my table." He then pushed through a crowd of people and hugged a girl wearing his shirt. The funniest thing was she didn't realize who she hugged until after he walked and freaked out.

Anyways I digress, but I encourage anyone who can to go see winter jam. Take the youth group or a group of friends. It's a lot of fun, the link for info is on the title of this blog so just click it.

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