Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday: Obama, the moon, and Random Flair Of The Day!

Hey everybody! Good Friday to you! What's been going on the world? Well, for starters, our station was not on the air this morning due to technical difficulties, but that should be fixed now, and we apologize for not having some really awesome music on the radio for you. Apparently, President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. There's some controversy going on about whether he deserves it or not. Plus, people are arguing that it's too soon for him to win it as a president, since he's only been in office for a few months. NASA is going to shoot a rocket into the moon in search of water....uh-huh.....

It's Random Flair of the Day time!!!!

And, hey, we want to know what's going on in your life! Comment and let us know. If you have prayer requests, we'd like to know so we can pray for you!

Also, we want feedback from you about music! What's your favorite song?

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