Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wassup Wednesday?!?!?

Que tal Wednesday...that's wassup in Espanol (Spanish, haha)! We are on a three day countdown to our live remote @ Colleton County Chiropractics. It's the Children's Health Festival and our !MOST HAPPENING EVENT! of the week!!!! Kid's get in for free, but they are asking for a $2 donation from adults that will benefit The Make-A-Wish Foundation! There's gonna be free food, bike giveaways, free demonstartions and activities. So, join us August 22, 2009 from 11am to 2pm @ 4510 Jefferies Highway! For more info, visit !

That's what's going on at Way, let's check in on what's goin on in the world in this week's They're Legit...Mr.Clucky could be evicted from Florida Condominium. Supposedly, Clucky's apartment complex doesn't allow poultry. Clucky is a tourist attraction and was once a grand marshall at the Florida parade! Now, Clucky, YOU ARE NOT A HUMAN. I feel like it is against some PETA code of conduct to have that chicken living on a beach. Vacations over buddy, GO back to the farm...Wisconsin's Mustard Museum on the move. The Museum is part of a small town's Mustard festival that attracts a lot of tourists. The museum moves up to a small town a little ways away from the original small town. The move is causing great debate about the role of small towns in america. Hey, if the museum moves to another small town, just seems like it's helping the new one. Reminds me of something I saw in the Hannah Montanna Movie, O, I have revealed too much...1-800-clunkers? Florist keeps getting car calls. yeah, supposedly a GM toll free number is identical to that of a Florist shop in Chicago. The shop is complaining that the phone calls are dampering business. I wonder how the conversations went, "Hello, 1-800-flowers." "I have a really bad car." "Okay, what kind of flowers would you like?" "I don't need flowers, I need a new ride." "Okay, thats good sir, but we are a flower store." "This isn't 1-800-clunkers?" "Well, if you want to bring your car by, I'm sure we can see what we can do." Sounds like a scam to me...It's a howl:NYC artist compiles album of screams. Yeah, 74 brief howls, whoops, and cries for $15. Sounds like an Adam Lambert album...1,224-pound cupcake sets record as world's largest. Yeah, we cover the BIG stories. The coverage on oversized baked goods just makes me chuckle. With all the poverty in the world, someone can spend 12 hours baking a cupcake that has 800 eggs and 200 pounds of sugar. Makes me think, can money be used elsewhere...yeah!!!!

Remember to send in those youth group comments and tell us What's happening. For those struggling, this song is very inspirational, eventhough it is by Miley Cyrus:

And that's wassup!

Friday, August 14, 2009

100th Blog Post

So, this might surprise y'all...I'm doing a blog on a Friday!!!! Well, I haven't blogged this week due to a super terrible sinus infection that had me sneezing myself to death, but...I will spare you the graphic TMI :P Like my clever title states, our blog has officially reached 100 blogs!!!! WHOOP WHOOP! So, I was thinking how I can make this blog special, and I was thinking, "Why not a whole weekend chalk full of some awesome Blog moments, Tweets from your favorite artists, your special pieces of Flare, Prayer, music news, videos, AND a sneek peek of my new West Palm adventure?" After all, I owe y'all with my lack of blog production! But, of course, this would not be Press Play without my Way Logistics...So, being a little out of the loop, let me refresh y'alls memory about what's going on. Rush of Fools, the band that brought you "Undo", Will be kicking it in charleston on September 18 @ Northwood Baptist Church. Tickets are on sale at,, the Way-FM Station, Northwood Baptist Church or by calling (800) 965-9324 :D So many ways to get a hole of these tickets, I dare you to that was a Switchfoot reference, I can't be witty all the time :P We are coming at you live August 22nd for the first annual Childrens Health Festival, details availiable on our website under community! And our blog is on facebook but FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! Follow us on You might find some of this bland on facebook because you don't have the experience of our amazing videos, so come visit us on our home terf and show us some love with a comment <3 align="left">


I guess these folks met one afternoon and were like,"I know what would be cool...if we put our fingers together to make a cross and take a picture." Once plan was initiated, figering out how to take said picture became a problem...everyone's hands were full!

HAHA, it's a button...ummm...thanks?!?!?


So, this one is pretty controversial...but it's legit!


...and that's what happens when he colors inside the lines!!!


hey, what can I say, GOTTA HAVE MY STAR WARS!!!! PLUS, you would be lying if you never felt like you had super powers in one of those things!!!

From Flair to Music, here's what's making headlines today courtesy of is headed on a "Brand New Eyes" tour this fall. They are fresh off the No Doubt band wagon and are ready to have the stage all to themselves. The tour is to help promote their new Brand New Eyes project. The band hopes to take the tour to the next level according to, Craig, and Dean are also planning to go on tour...and, as reported on Monday, MercyMe are still asking for your prayers!

Tomorrow, I will just be Talk'n sooo many Tweets and putting together a Prayer list for y'all, but, as promised, here are some videos. So, Press Play to my Playlist for August 14,2009 :

Monday, August 10, 2009

!Music Monday!

Hola Way compadres, today's Music Monday is sponsored by the words, "Awesome Amazing!!!!!" So, let's get this thang rollin! Rush of Fools are coming to Northwood Baptist this September with T Culler. Tickets purchased in advance are $10 each and $8 for groups of 10 or more. Tickets will be $12 at the door. You can find these tickets at Northwood Baptist, Way Studios, online at or, or by calling (800) 965-9327! We are coming at you live from the first annual Children's Health Festival on August 22nd. Details can be found on our events page on our website. Lastly, if you are reading this from Facebook, I invite you to follow us on our actual blog at for videos and exclusive audio from your favorite artists!

So those were some Way Logistics, let's Chat about the Charts courtesy of This week's Greatest Gainer has to be Mary Mary who reclaim the top spot from August Burns Red after falling to number 3 last week! Da T.R.U.T.H plummets out of the top ten; Constellations by August Burns Red falls to number two, and Mat Kearney's City of Black and White raises from number 5 to number 4. The latest from WOW Hits rounds up this week's TOP 5 Christian Albums. The Top 5 Christian Songs may give you a Deja Vu sensation, but they are just stuck in the same spots with Phillips, Craig, and Dean's Revelation Song holding on to the top position; Matthew West's The Motions, Jonny Diaz's More Beautiful You, and Tenth Avenue North's By Your Side filling in the middle, and Brandon Heath's Wait and See coming in at number five!

An album sure to crack the top five next week is Britt Nicole's The Lost Get Found, the subject of today's Album Spotlight. According to her website, the album is full of "high energy tracks, catchy hooks, and top 40 beats." In her own words, Britt says the album is "simply about being who we are called to be as Christians, and through that, seeing the lost get found." The album's first single of the same name has been blowing up radio, especially Way-FM! The album definitely promises to be a poppy record. The Lost Get Found hits stores tomorrow!

In honor of Britt Nicole, we are giving her the first tweet in Talk'n Tweets. She tweets, "Vbbbbbbbrbbrbnttngn f gn gg g. Gtg ng NGO." She later denies writing the tweet. From what I can decipher, gtg means got to go, and NGO is referencing that Bingo was his name-o. IDK...So, Scott Sanders of Tenth Avenue North is ascending mountains so he can howl with the wolves and wear Furr. First off, that's two Rs, making the fur legit primal fur. For some reason, I think Sanders is reading too much New Moon. Note to Sanders(SPOILER ALERT): the wolf doesn't get the girl in the end :P Mandisa is taking the time to tweet about amazing pieces of art, found in a bathroom?????

Mary Mary are asking Kirk Franklin where to get a pair of Hello Jesus Socks. My question: WHERE CAN I GET A PAIR :D Lastly, Toby Mac Tweets, "Some dude stumbled into the studio today and sang on my record...after I begged that is!!" Who is Toby Mac talking about???? Well, this guy:

Yup, my friends, that is Relient K's Matthew Thiessen! I can't wait to hear that track...Might I add a personal note to Twitter: please don't have anymore shut downs or crashes. I sat in my room wondering what Mondays would be without my tweets...glad they fixed it @_@

In general music news, Relient K announced on their website that the are going on tour with Copeland and Barcelona, two acts that I absolutely love. I have featured Copeland on my Playlist for the past two weeks. The show hits Charlotte October 9. Should be amazing...I found a sweet website with all things Christian video. It's like a Christian music Youtube. The website is a serious note, two people had died and an 18 year old soon to be mother is in critical condition after their car and MercyMe's tour bus crashed into one another. The members of the band are fine and are asking for y'alls prayers. Bart Millard has tweeted he wishes it was all a dream. You can stay up to date on the tragedy by following Bart's Twitter at or by going to! My prayers go out to MercyMe...I leave you with their song God With Us:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wassup Wednesday?!?!?

Hello one and all, let me hit you up with some Way Logistics! Rush of Fools are coming to Charleston September 18th, and our station is offering some great deals. We have $25 VIP passes available for those who are interested. The passes include a meet and greet with the band, a signed CD, poster, and first dibs on seating! This deal is only available at our station, so join our event group for more info. Tickets for the concert are on sale now @, or you may choose to visit the link on our website @ We have also been promoting the first annual Children's Health Festival brought to you by Colleton County Chiropractics. We will be there for a funfilled day August 22nd. For more info, visit our events page on our website. Our blog is now available on our Facebook, but, in order to see some fun clips or exclusive audio such as new songs or artist interviews, You have to visit us here at

So that's what's going on at Way, let's catch up on the offbeat world that we live in on They're Legit...Jobless NYC Woman sues college for $70K in tuition. The woman says the college promised her that they would help her get a job after college. Well, they offered to help. Not give her one. I find this lady to be awfully selfish with all the OTHER in debt college students without jobs. I say, forget about lawsuits and attempt a Masters degree...Paula Abdul is leaving American Idol. Yesterday, Paula announced via Twitter that she will not be returning to American Idol, the show, she claims, she help make into a phenomenon. There is a lot of speculation about why, but the prominent reason deals with failed attempts to raise her pay from 5 million to 20 million dollars. She said she will miss inspiring the contestants. First off, if you were so focused on being an inspiration, money wouldn't be an issue. Secondly, with people struggling to find jobs, do you think asking for 20 mil to just act like a crazy person and tell people they are good all the time when they are not is legit? And, in regards to creating a phenomenon, two words Paula: SIMON COWELL...Last week, I told you about the new additions to the Webster Collegiate Dictionary. This week, UCLA came out with the sixth edition of their slang dictionary. Words in this one...skrilla, Epic Fail, and Awkward Turtle. Used in a sentence: Paula's attempt at getting more skrilla fo being an awkward turtle on idol was an epic fail. Making slang collegiate just reminds me of the ebonics woman on Airplane. It's like when grandma started using bling, and mama started dancing the "Soldier Boy." Some things need to remain on Ohio family family visits 52 zoos in 52 weeks. Okay :P Personally, every bear looks like a bear and every bat a bat. Really...Lastly, a story too much for words. So, here's a clip:

For this weeks's *MOST HAPPENING EVENT* we will like to invite you to the B&E ministires "Yes You Can" Women's Conference. The Conference is being held at the Sheraton Convention Center, August 7-8. You can register for the event at or by calling843-577-8786! For more info, visit the website at or find them under our community events page

So, we want to know, WASSUP?!?!? Message, Comment, IM us on Facebook or comment on our blog and tell us about y'alls youth groups as well as what's happening in the neighborhood! Tomorrow, I will let you guys into my head, but, for now, here's Family Force Five with DIE 4 YOU:

And that's WASSUP?!?!?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

2sday's Topics and Tweets

Hey y'all! It's 2esday, and, today, we are getting hard hitting! 2day's 2sday Topic branches off a something Brant was discussing on his show yesterday...God's audible voice. What does it mean when we say God talks to us? Is it a voice, a feeling, or does he even speak? Personally, I believe God can audibly speak to his people. He's God...hello! But, I also feel he speaks to us by coincidences, testimonies, and urges. When I decide not to do something because I get an overwhelming feeling against it, I know it is God. I'm not saying that God reveals himself in humanities trivial pursuits. So, I say, God speaks audibly, doesn't speak, and speaks through feelings, events, and other people. Like a parent, God leaves us to make our own decisions but points us in certain directions by speaking to us. That is what I think, but I'll leave the rest for's what YOU have to say:

"I know for sure that God speaks clearly to us in many ways. Years ago we were stationed in VA and was there house hunting. We were looking at the 2nd house that this landlord had to show us and decided to take it, gave a deposit and as we were leaving I said to God "I hope we've made the right decision. Within seconds I started feeling panicked and crying to the point of hysterical and told my husband we cannot move into that house please turn around and tell them we changed our minds.I could not explain to him why I was so upset. I didn't know why. He turned around and took the 1st house they had showed us. I became friends with a neighbor there who was not a christian, shortly after that she was diagnosed with an inoperable Brain tumor. A couple of months later she was determined to be baptized. She was baptized at her house and within a month she passed away. She died a Christian!! I know without a doubt that God spoke to me that day as if he were sitting next to me." --Tammy N Smith (North Charleston)

"I'll try to make this a short story.
the first time i heard the audible voice of God was the day I found out i was pregnant with my third child. i had a 3 year old and a 3 month old and our family's situation was financially dire.
i prayed for peace and knew that God would always provide... as i sat in prayer i laughed to myself and said aloud, "okay God. You know we want a big family and we welcome another baby but didn't i tell you i never wanted 2 in diapers at the same time?"
the laugh was like an earthquake that i could hear and feel starting in my chest and spreading outward... then He said "My timing, not yours."
the second time was the night my son nearly drowned. he'd been without breath for well over 6 minutes. while waiting for the ambulance and trying to perform CPR, i heard a voice at my shoulder say "pray for the child NOW." i stopped and prayed and in less than a minute, my son coughed up the water and began to breathe again....
yes, God speaks to us."
--Marisa Feathers (Manassas, Virginia)

"I have heard his voice audibly twice. Once I was sitting in my living room writing a list of all the things I was going to leave my daughter when I died. I wanted to make sure she had plenty of things to remember us by. While I was contemplating the list this deep voice that filled the room and the inside of my head said, "They are only things". I looked up in astonishment and promptly tore up the list. I knew exactly who had said that. The second time I was on my way to work and had been going through a difficult time at work, taking on a lot of blame for my bosses problems. I felt like I was back at my parents house when I was growing up with all the fighting and bickering. All of a sudden, I heard the same voice fill the car and my head. saying, "It isn't your fault". I had been desperately trying to find another job and had been blocked time after time. God wasn't going to let me run away from the lesson until I understood it. Two days later I had a new job."
--Susan Heffner Winter(Orlando,Florida)

This makes me wonder if God Tweets and if he is Talk'n UR Tweets! Andreakleid tweets, "I wish Panera had a drive thru." Um, andreakleid, have you been in a Panera lately? It takes like an hour to get your food. Usually places don't have drive thrus because they understand they are slow...Whodeeni tweets "headed out for our summer fun daycation. Road trip to Magiquest in Pigeon Forge. My son is so excited!" For y'all that don't know, Magiquest is a magical adventure. It is like the live version of Dungeons and Dragons. With a name like Whodeeni, I have a feeling it is one of those personal trips you take with your child so you don't feel like an embarrassment. I say embrace your inner wizard Whodeeni and defeat the evil Lord of Mordor...Now, tamodom is tweeting, "oh the joy of meeting day! :) I'll be in one all day. so hit me up." Tams, fo reals. I sense Sarcasm about a meeting that you plane not to pay attention at. How do you get away with that? Is it a hold your cell phone out and move your fingers across the keys meeting :P So our good friend T Culler is preparing to go on tour with Rush of Fools, but, beforehand, he's practicing his quote on quote back flip off stage! Now, I'm just saying, not a good idea. Leave the acrobatics for Cirque du Soleil, as well as the ball rolling, silent miming, and crazy sheet spiraling :) ...Lastly, Scbubba is having a Dunkin Donuts coffee and blueberry muffin. Remember the good old days when DD was about the DONUTS...
So, we receive a lot of pieces of flare from Facebook that I'm deciding to begin a new segment entitled Facebook Flare Mail. Here's our top five pieces of flare for the week given by YOU:

Stare at it long enough, and it moves!

I'm pretty sure that's what Jesus meant!

Get's an ipod attached to a phone, lol!

Like Communion, but i guess the body is chocolate and the blood is peanut butter

Cool and an amazing segue to this weeks Prayers:
  • Cameron Larkin: The Barker Family who lost a grandfather, father, husband, and father in law in a tragic car accident that killed many others as well. Pray for them and the other families.
  • !
  • Katie Misha Powers: Discernment and direction in future decisions
  • Jennifer McNeil Broughton: Protection and strength. Her husband is training in Oklahoma now. He's in the army.
  • Kimberly Zachary Barnett: Success in her interview today and continued success
  • Quentin Lee Wireman: friend failed at committing suicide and is now in critical condition. Pray for his friend Billy's family and Billy.
  • Elizabeth Pangalangan: Needs help bringing her parents and older sister to Christ
  • Cheri' Meeks Mcgee: stay at home mom for 13 years, she needs direction.
  • Stephanie Pellos Van Duinen: Husband is unable to reenlist. Pray for a direction that fulfills God's purpose for them.
  • Tiffany Alvarado: Safety for her brother Travis in Afghanistan
  • Duffy Brunson Furtick: Lost job. Family is in a valley right now and can't see the light.
  • Ruby Daniels Brawlett: a man in her church named Norman recently lost his father. Pray for him and his family.
  • JD: Adoption
  • Dianna: friends who need jobs.
  • Victor: first baptist church to be able to do more outreach and for participation by more churches in Convoy of Love (
  • Anthony: money issues
  • Tricia Copeland Shingler: friends and family of Casie Barton who drowned this weekend.
  • Rikki Sampson: recovery from knee surgery
  • Kelly Creed Gordon: Michelle is in the hospital
  • Christen Saunders Edmounds: strength for cousin's family...daughter in hospital.
  • Rochelle Tuttle: family going through those teenage years
  • DeAnna Rienzo: Sister is giving birth and another sister starting a new college
  • Natasha Akery: Newlywed and healing for her legs
  • Matt Akery: Newlywed and new job
  • Austin Campbell: Discernment
  • Chris Hernandez: Mother needs a job and family needs strength
  • Shavone Kimsey: Healing and prayer that she won't give into fear. Strength.
I'll leave you with some gentle reminders from us at Way. August 22nd is the first annual Children's Health Festival. We will be there live, so come out. For more information visit ! Rush of Fools will be in Concert @ Northwood Baptist Church September 18 with Tculler. Tickets are available at as well as our website, . We have some great deals available at our station including 25$ VIP passes that will get you up close and personal with Rush of Fools, a signed CD, poster, as well as first dibs on seating! So enquire here or on our Facebook page! Also, if you are reading this on Facebook, you have to come visit our blog to see our video! Tomorrow, we are asking y'all to tell us Wassup?!? Til then, Press Play to these brand new songs from Barlow Girl, Plumb, and Seventh Day Slumber:

Monday, August 3, 2009

! Music Monday !

Let's play a word association game...what do Monday's, jukeboxes, and radio's have in common...if you said music, give yourself a pat on the back! Welcome to another amazing installment of !Music Monday! brought to you by Intern Chris. Brought to you by our amazing radio station 100.9, some Way Logistics!!!! I've been pushing this Rush of Fools concert for a week, but we need you guys to come out and get some deals on these tickets. We are offering 12 tickets for the price of ten as well as super cool 25$ VIP passes that will bring you up close and personal with the guys of Rush of Fools! So send us a message on Facebook if you want to know more! We are also teaming up with Colleton County Chiropractic for the first annual Children's Health Festival. Children get in for free, and adult's pay 2$. All donations go to the Make-A-Wish foundation! The event is on August 22nd! Visit us @ for more info.

So, that's what's going on at Way; let's Chat about the Charts courtesy of! On the Hot Christian Album Chart, we have two debuts shaking up last week's rankings. Constellations by August Burns Red is this week's Greatest Gainer, taking the top spot from pureNRG who have fallen off the top 40. STRYPER's Murder by Pride debuted at number 2, and Da T.R.U.T.H's The Big Picture debuted at number 4. Mary Mary's The Sound remains frozen at number 3 while Mat Kearney's City of Black and White rounds out the top 5. There is not as much fluctuation going on in the Hot Christian Songs Chart. Matthew West's The Motions has been dethroned by Phillips, Craig, and Dean's Revelation Song, falling to number 2. Jonny Diaz's More Beautiful You, Tenth Avenue North's By Your Side, and Brandon Heath's Wait and See wrap up the top 5 and this week's chart chatter :D

I will like to shed an Album Spotlight on this week's number 1 album, Constellations by August Burns Red. The album is the band's third studio album, and, according to fans of the band, it synthesizes the sounds from the band's proceeding records, Thrill Seeker and Messenger. Constellations is a metalcore album made by Christians...not necessarily a Christian record. Guitarist JB Brubaker stresses "Christianity is religion and not a style of music." The music definitely speaks to some Christian ideas, but the band wants the music to speak for itself, not market it solely to Christians and keep it in a box. August Burns Red will be discontinuing their US tour next week but will be continuing their metalcore tour in Austarlia! G'Day :P The album Contellations is in stores now!

Finally, we are Talk'n, what is making Lauren Barlow Tweet, " is that thing?! Personally, I think it needs to be given a proper burial and fast." Well, this picture:

Lauren, I totally agree. But what about the beaver?...Jeff Owen from Tenth Avenue North has had a star sighting, tweeting, "Apparently Heraldo Rivera and Alfonzo something who played Carlton in the Fresh Prince are here in Nashville Airport right now...Scratch that. GERALDO IS ON OUR FLIGHT. If the plane goes down, at least it will be covered well." And if the plane goes down, at least the crash location would have already been written in sand, so we could find y'all...Wes and Dustin from Rush of Fools are "driving back home in our mobile home from Pennsylvania." Now, that's making it my friends. You have two home. A house and a house with four wheel, shweeet...Decemberadio tweets, "Ironic Memphis sign: Fire Pit Grill, closed due to fire...makes me wonder when it's ever open." Ummm, probably when it is not on fire???? Plus, there is no irony in that. Rain on your wedding day, now that's ironic...wrapping up our Tweet talk, Mat Kearney is , "Plaid." Hmmm, I guess that makes me striped... :P

Tomorrow, we are chatting about the audible voice of God, your tweets, and checking our
Facebook Flare Mail. As for now, for those going through the motions of Monday, here's Matthew West performing The Motions: