Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thoughts 4 Thursday with Intern Chris

So it's another Thursday and, let me just say, this week has flown by. My life has been chalk full of things to do; I've definitely kept busy. I had my interview this past Tuesday for Family Christian Store and...I think it went REALLY well. That being said, I haven't gotten a phone call yet. They said they would call me yesterday, and they never did. So I'm in one of those waiting periods between jobs. I'm blessed though! God has given me this opportunity as an intern, and, eventhough I don't get paid, I'm getting a chance to do what I like to do and have this experience. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of new college expenses building up that I need that money, but I'm trusting that God will lead the way in that.
I signed my very first primissory note for college yesterday...that's basically my loan agreement! Some backstory: I went to UNC with a debt free education ahead of me. They have a Carolina Covenant Program that allows underprivledged kids (ME) the opportunity to not be bogged down by debt. I live in a debt family so this seemed like the best option, but, it wasn't necessarily where my heart was at. Fast forward through my freshmen year, I got involved with a toxic group of people and put my relationship with God on the backburner. Part of that had to deal with feelings of condemnation...I messed up so much that I felt God had just given up on me. I started going around with the feeling that if I digged my hole the only thing to do was dig it deeper. But, after finding a church and feeling deep down that God had so much love for me, I started climbing up that hole. I got baptized and decided to dedicate my life to Christ....I remember my last day at Carolina. I looked across my patio at the arrangment of trees and felt that this chapter was closing, eventhough I had planned to come back. After I talked with some people and decided that I wanted to follow God with my whole heart, I thought it would be best pursued at a Christian college. This meant giving up a debt free education and accepting debt. But, in trueness, I'm starting to believe that focusing on my treasures in this world didn't make me fulfilled and that I'm starting to store my treasure's a good feeling.
With this adventure to PBA ahead of me, I am going back to Chapel Hill tomorrow to pick up storage I left there, drive back around, and not look back...The trip is bittersweet. Not all my Chapel Hill experience was bad. I'm going to miss those friendships. Freshmen year is such a strong year because everyone is on the same boat as you...first year alone, now what!!!! I also feel conflicted: did I flee from temptation or run away from opportunity??? Am I fleeing temptation and running toward ignorance...this I fear most. a lot of friendships made were not necessarily with Christians. I want/need more Christian friends, yet I don't want to feel that is all i need. God wants us to love everyone. I feel stuck. How can I love those that brought me to a place of darkness and remind me of that place? Thinking about this now, I'm starting to see the need to go to Palm meditate on this very thing in a Christian become strong enough to face my past. In this, I am still learning.
My Playlist 4 the week of July 27, 2009:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wassup Wednesday?!?!?

Water...Whale...Whisper...some words start with W, but no word has as much meaning as...WASSUP?!?!? It's Wednesday, and, as always, we are seeing what is going on in y'alls youth groups, the community, and THE WORRLLDDD! But, before we get into the things happening in the Lowcountry, let's see what's goin on @ Way! Yesterday, we had a fantastic time watching Veggie Tales with y'all! Thanks for coming out. Unfortunately, we are lacking pictures from the event and would really like some (Bret took some with his phone, but who knows how those would turn out :P) So, if you are friends with us on facebook, tag us in your favorite pics from the event! That being said, I realize it is still July, going into August, but we have some amazing deals for the Rush of Fools concert scheduled for Sept.18! For the price of ten tickets, Way will give you twelve tickets! We are also selling 25$ VIP passes that will get you up close and personal with Rush of Fools as well as a signed CD and poster! Super Awesome! These tickets are only available at our station!
Warning: the news stories you are about to hear didn't come from the Twilight Zone...They're Legit! In Utah this past Sunday, a young boy, let's say 7 years old, decided he didn't want to go to church. So, he kinda sorta took the family van for a joy ride. What I find surprising is the fact that he did not get hit, and the only reason he was caught was because he sped pass a stop sign. My questions: who taught this kid how to drive? How did he reach the pedals??? How did he outrun the police??? America, really... Tutone fans reading this blog should stop reading, go to ebay, and purchase the phone number 8675309 for 700$. Economically, a bad decision! Personally, unless you'd like to receive calls for Jenny the rest of your life, bad decision....Webster has added frenemy, webisode, vlog, and staycation to their collegiate dictionary. Here are the words used in a sentence: I hated/loved my frenemy so much I created a vlog about the love/hate relationship that became a series of webisodes which earned me a much needed headline is pretty much self explanatory: Oscar Mayer Wienermobile Crashes into Wis. Home...lastly, Ireland can't crown their next king because the heir is only allowed to travel for four days! Here's the heir:

From goat's to pizza, here's your Lowdown on the Lowcountry! Andrea D's youth group just returned from Flip Student Life @ Daytona beach! Full Gospel Mission in Cross, SC is holding a Youth Revival retreat Aug 2-9. Cross Over, located @ 830 Whitesville Rd. Monks Corner, is having a pizza night for kids ages 6-11 @ 630PM! Check on our Facebook page for more youth group activities going on in your area!

Cornerstone Baptist Church is holding a Back 2 School Jesus Jamboree Saturday, August 1. The Jamboree is this week's !MOST HAPPENING EVENT! There is going to be free food, games, jump castles, and water slides as well as live music brought to you by Southern Hospitality. They are going to be raffling off backpacks full of supplies! This is one event you will not want to miss :D Tomorrow, my thoughts for the week. Until then, you'll just have to wait and see:

And that's Wassup?!?!?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2sday Topics and Tweets

Welcome back to your favorite misspelling of Tuesday spot, Press Play! Once again, we asked, and you guys sent us your replies...but, before we get into a list of your favorite movies, let's cover some Way-FM Logistics. The day has finally come my friends...Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella is being screened TODAY @ Cathedral of Praise:The Loft. The event starts at 7PM but get there before to make sure you get seats...they are limited. Bring the whole family to what should be a rather silly night full of silly songs :) For more information, visit our Facebook event page! We are also getting ready for the Rush of Fools concert coming to Northwoods Baptist on Sept 18th at 7PM. We have special offers at our station. With the purchase of ten tickets, you can get two tickets for free. You can also get VIP passes for 25$. These include signed CDs, meet and greets, posters, and first dibs on seating! SO come by the station and pick those up!

Now, if I remember correctly, I made a list last week of some pretty cool books to check out! But, I must say, having been the person who can't sit around staring at pages for more than thirty minutes, getting comfortable on your couch as popcorn pops in the microwave watching an entertaining movie is not a bad way to pass the time on a hot summer day. That being said, 2day's 2sday Topic is movies and here's what YOU recommended:

  • Fireproof
  • Facing the Giants
  • Hangman's Curse
  • One Night with the King
  • Rat Race
  • V for Vendetta
  • The Cable Guy
  • The Notebook
So, I just want to point out that some of these movies aren't Christian oriented, but some of y'all found them entertaining...So before you go out and rent some of these movies, I'd suggest researching them as well as checking those all so necessary ratings! That being said, I'd like to focus in on Fireproof, a film getting a lot of attention in the Christian world as of late. Fireproof is about the struggles of marriage and weathering those storms. The story revolves around a fire fighter and his wife who are considering divorce due to the husband's inability to put his wife before himself. As their lives crash, he receives a book that changes everything. The tag line of the film is the code of firefighting : Never leave your partner behind! What a fits the idea of marriage as well! Now, I found the movie quite inspirational. I shed a tear or two when parallels were drawn between human relationships and the relationships we have with God as well as during moments when Kirk becomes a hero to his wife. That being said, I can only give this film a 3/5 for excessive over and underacting, failed attempts at jokes, and failed attempts at action sequences. The movie kinda turns into a walking cliche at times from a movie standpoint, but, from a religious standpoint, it provides a much needed message. But, as always, don't take my word for's what YOU are saying:

"My Favorite Movie would have to be Fireproof... I took my husband to see it and It was a major turning point for us and our marriage.. God blessed us with this movie and it saved our marriage. Since the movie we have renewed our vows and put the past behind us.. The Future looks great for us and with Gods help and trusting in him all looks good.. Praise God..." Jamie Brown

"I would have to agree with Jamie... although FIREPROOF didn't help my relationship (because he was unwilling to change), it did give me a better understanding and desire for what I want in my next relationship. That is the relationship I want for me and my children. I also live by Jer29:11 everyday!!" Tricia Copeland Shingler

You can snag a copy of Fireproof at your local Family Christian Store or visit their website at!
Kirk Cameron to Mister Rogers, we're Talk'n YOUR Tweets! Our first tweet comes from sister station wayfm_nashville who tweets, "Ran out of balance it's toast and coffee= breakfast of champions." Here at Way-FM Charleston, we are fueled by Coffee Mate Hazelnut and old Dorito bags from past events...richpadg tweets, "Ahhhhh!!!!! I forgot to bring my socks to work. I wear flip flops to work and change into shoes, kinda like Mr.Rogers in a way." Surprisingly, his boss didn't mind the shoes or the lack of song that incorporated the lack of shoes...cgooge tweets, "Why are my voice mails coming in a day late?!?" Googe's, I totally left you a message yesterday telling you your phone was having problems. Oh. ha ha, my, my friend Steveshore is beginning to live rebelliously tweeting that he hit the snooze button four times today. Granted all four times were at FOUR O' CLOCK in the morning...
And now, this week's Prayers:

Missy Green: Persisting migraine and nephew leaves the country to teach English
Andrea D: Husband
Pat MacKinnon: Daughter and Team Mozambique mission to Africa
Clay Shook: 24 year old, Andy, in Afghanistan with the Marines in the front lines
Jeremiah Young: Walker was in a motorcycle accident, healing and peace for family and the person who hit him
Debbie Joyner: Tim, missions work in China
Cameron Larkin: dad
Richard Johnson: paying job
Teresa Delle Baughman: continuing in God's miracle
Josie Silvagnoli-Acosta: discernment and direction
JD Hanks: adoption
Don't forget those prayers from last week! Repition is key! On tomorrow's blog I'm asking y'all Wassup Wednesday?!?!? For now, I am leaving y'all with a video made by You for Rush of Fools Undo:

Monday, July 27, 2009

! Music Monday !

Coffee brewed...9AM Traffic...Way-FM morning meeting...must be Monday!!!!!! And, as always, we are bringing you the latest in Christian Music! But what would Press Play be without our Way-FM logistics...Tomorrow, we are hosting a Veggie Tales movie event for their latest release Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella @ 7pm @ Cathedral of Praise: The Loft! Get there early to register..seats are limited.

And that's what's going on @ Way, let's Chat about the Charts...and let me just tell you, I am pretty shocked :O First off, chart favorite Mary Mary has fallen to number 3 with The Sound, bumping Tenth Avenue North's Over and Underneath to number 4 and Matt Kearney's City of Black and White to number 5.The latest from August Burns Red ( Constellations) debuted at number 2! So, who took the top spot? A band called pureNRG??? Akin to acts like Hanson, Hannah Montanna, and The Wiggles, this bubblegum troop's mission is to spread the word of God to young adults...musically, they're work is sub par compared to the others on this week's chart, but, it just goes to show, America has an obsession with "Disney Bands" :P Over on the Christian Song charts, Matthew West's The Motions and Phillips, Craig and Dean's Revelation Song still hold the top spots! This week's Greatest Gainer is Jonny Diaz's More Beautiful You, rising from number 5 to number 3. Tenth Avenue North's By Your Side falls to number 4 while Brandon Heath's Wait and See cracks the top five rounding up the charts!

There seems to be a lack of new releases THIS week, so today's Album Spotlight is about an album coming out August 11 from Philips, Craig, and Dean. The album is called Fearless, and it marks Phillips, Craig, and Dean's tenth studio album. Branching from three different churches, the guys are back with a worship filled album that draws it's sound from contemporary acts like Natalie Grant and Casting Crowns. Even though they come from three separate churches, the men of Philips, Craig and Dean have heard similar stories of worry regarding health care, the economy and security risks. This album is way of delivering the universal message that God wants us to be fearless. Luke 12:25 says, "who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life." Randy Phillips wants to urge people to break out and live large, saying, "This is our opportunity to show our power is in God alone". The album Fearless comes out in two weeks!

When we put hunting, breakfast, and Superman in the same sentence...we must be Talk'n Tweets! On today's edition, the guys of December Radio are hunting @ black river in SC.I'm sure they found the trip rather satisfying...Barlow Girl never disappoints with their tweets. Last week, Lauren was Mick Jagger. This week, Rebecca is Clark Kent. Next week, Alyssa is slated to transform into Mickey Mouse as the group slowly becomes the Barlow Oddities...Conrad of Chris and Conrad fame was accidentally knocked off the interstate by "an old man!" It was later revealed to be this guy:

Rule of thumb: don't dance and drive...Dan from Sanctus Real is so stressed out; he is eating life cereal. The band is also so stressed out these days that they haven't had time to shave:

How did the Z Z Top pics get in here :P In exclusive news, Switchfoot is coming out with their new album Hello Hurricane this fall and have already hit the stage with some new songs. Good to see these guys back!
Tomorrow, I'm talking Fireproof, your favorite movies, and tweets as well as updating our prayer list. I shall leave you with the most awesomest club in the US...Club today's Press Play Replay:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thoughts 4 Thursday with Intern Chris

Hey guys, I'm Chris, intern and blogger for 100.9 Way-FM Charleston. This week has been an extremely amazing one. First off, I would love to believe I was inadvertently shouted out by Wally in yesterday's Total Axxess! In my blog on MONDAY, I discussed the new album by STRYPER, Murder by Pride. On his show, he also mentioned I'm sounding like I'm stretching it a lot...but the exciting thing was the fact that he followed the exact same format in which I presented my information!!!! Okay, I probably shouldn't jump the gun, but I can dream, can't I :P JD is doing some finishing touches on my first ever radio spot...I really loved recording it and, as this jobs continues to reveal things about the radio business, I'm considering going from written to broadcast journalism...but it's merely a thought right now! I might be getting a second job! I love my internship, but I do need money for college...that's why I'm taking on two. I have an interview Tuesday for a job @ the family Christian Store in Citadel mall...It was that exact store that made me think of getting this internship...Can somebody say God! I introduced a Prayer section on my blog by the suggestion of my mother. I thought it was a great idea. I recently got baptized about two months ago and am firmly starting my journey. One of the things I love about being a Christian is prayer! I just get on my knees and am given entry to speak to the creator of the whole earth. It's a beautiful thing. I've seen prayer work, and, especially this summer, I've started seeing the patience behind prayer. Jesus says that when you go to pray, you have to believe that what you are praying will come true. And with this, I feel convicted that Prayer is not just a few words said between you and God...Prayer is reaching deep down and connecting with your spirit as well. One final note on prayer...its like shampoo...haha...I mean the whole lather, rinse, repeat idea! Repetition is key...I feel if something is heavy on my heart, I should pray for it everyday! It shows that I am truly convicted to what I pray about! And another final, final note about prayer that was brought up in a facebook comment...There is no such thing as an unimportant or small prayer!
Something that has popped up a lot this week has been the idea of forgiveness! I work at my church's children's ministry, and that's our theme for the week (we played a scene from meet the Robinsons!). My youth group leader has a series about bitterness, and today he talked about this idea that when we withhold forgiveness, it is like we are drinking a poison and expecting the other person to die! We carry the load at the end of the other person's wrong doing! Jesus says that we should forgive 7 x 77 times...meaning not 6039 times but a really large amount! I'm in the process of reading Persuasion by Jane Austen as well, and the character of Anne Elliot (spoiler alert) is in the end forgiven by someone she caused so much pain to! This past summer, as my walk has grown, I've been starting to forgive....I have a relative who is struggling with alcoholism, and I had stopped talking to him for a whole year! This summer, I quickly put myself in his shoes...what load is he carrying and how much of that load is caused by my negative feelings toward him...I was never sent hear to condemn but to love! I know it's easier said then can I love someone who has broken my trust, abandoned me at times, and has so many problems... God does!!! I'll leave y'all with MY PLAYLIST for the week of July 20,2009 provided by youtube:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wassup Wednesday?!?!?

This is Press Play! We are Way-FM! It is Wednesday! Only thing left unanswered that will be answered by the end of this blog is...WASSUP???? Well, Way-FM picnicked with some penguins last night at the SC Aquarium and had fun, fun, fun! Check out these pics from yesterday:

Can't get enough of these adorable pics, hit us up on Facebook to check out more as well as to see pics from our B-Day Bash!

So, that's what's going on at Way, let's see what's happening in the world. I warn you; these stories might sound out of the ordinary, but They're Legit. Amsterdam is hosting its annual Santa Claus World Conference. Yes my friends, Santas from all across the world will meet to discuss the proper size of chimneys and the new Santa weight limit. At this year's conference, the 150 Santas will also raise awareness on global and health issues by riding in a bike parade...good news for Santa, bad news for the 1350 reindeer that were just laid off...Over in Minneapolis, a 151 lb cupcake has made Guinness history as the largest cupcake ever made. The cupcake will be sent over to a pig farm...they were going to send it over to Amsterdam, but the 149 Santas are sticking to their new regiment (there's always that cheater) other news, Kelly Hildebrant of Florida is said to marry Kelly Hildebrant of Texas. The couple met on Facebook after Kelly searched for Kelly in a search engine. When asked if they would name their children Kelly, the Kelly's were adamant on not naming them Kelly...guess the George Foreman way of living only goes so far :P
Now for today's Lowdown on the Lowcountry. Fuel @ Charleston First Assembly is having an amazing service at 630 tonight. The youth group at Summerville Family Worship Center is having a back to school bash August 7th and 8th for high school and middle school kids! Another youth group called Fuel located at Cathedral of Praise is hosting high schoolers tonight, but don't be upset if you miss the service or can't make it...a live feed is availiable at their website Lastly, Tyler Clyde will like to invite you guys to the Dream Big '09 Youth Conference. Visit the website @

Coming up next Tuesday at Way-FM, we are hosting a Veggie Tales pre-screening of Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella @ Cathedral of Praise: The Loft @ 7pm. It's our !MOST HAPPENING EVENT! Bring the whole family! Here's a snippet of what you can expect:

Tomorrow, I'll be inviting y'all into my mind in the first ever Thoughts 4 Thursday! And that's Wassup?!?!?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2sday's Topics & Tweets

Hey guys it's 2sday!!! Yeah, we are changing up the spelling of Tuesday, but we are still offering an outlet for you to voice your opinions. First, like always, some Way-FM logistics. We are picnicking with some groovy Magellanic Penguins today from 6-8pm @ the South Carolina Aquarium...unfortunately this is a closed event as far as I am aware because tickets are sold out :( But if y'all stand outside of the aquarium you can catch us going in and walking out!!! I'm sure the van will be in the parking lot as well :P
2day's 2sday Topic is reading...for some of you, the headache of Summer Reading is still quite the reality, but, for those who have nothing to read this summer, I have compiled a list of books that YOU are recommending:
  • The Shack by William P. Young
  • Servolution by Dino Rizzo
  • Europe 101 by Rick Steves
  • Saving Freedom by Jim Demint
  • Breathe, Creating Space for God in a Hectic Life by Keri Wyat Kent
  • 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper with Cecil Murphey
  • The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
  • The Bible by God (interpreted by Many)
  • Adolescence Isn't Terminal, It just Feels Like It by Dr.Kevin Leman
  • Someday by Karen Kingsburr
  • Crazy Love by Francis Chan
  • Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

Personally, I have only read Crazy Love and am in the process of reading Mere Christianity. The book that multiple people have been chiming in about has been The Shack. The Shack attempts to guide the reader to a better understanding of where God is during times of unspeakable trials. It tells the story of Makenzie Allen Phillips, a man who loses his daughter after she is abducted and murdered in a wintry shack. Four years lapse when Mac receives a note from God that tells him to return to the site of his daughter's murder. There, he faces his dark past...sounds...pretty morbid yet very intriguing :) I asked one of YOU to share your thoughts, and Cheri' Meeks McGee did not hold back on her criticism of the book. Cheri' is not a fan of fiction, but, urged by her friends to read this "Amazing Book", she wanted to give it a shot. Did her views on fiction change???? NOPE! She did not dislike the book, but she didn't think it was all that worth while. She says, "It does give a great perspective on why bad things happen, why God allows these things to happen. He ultimately uses these things for 'good'." She applauds the book's ability to make its reader think outside the box and for its message but can't help but feel like the book gets cheesy at times. She gives the book an overall rating of 3/5...I would urge you to find out yourself. You can read a snippet of the book at

Santa at St.Judes, Japenese proverbs, and leases...we're Tak'n YOUR Tweets! Betsysharp tweets" 2 inspo quotes: 'Fall seven times, stand up eight.' ~Japenese Proverb..." had to stop at the first one because I accidentally fell off the chair, but managed to stand up twice. Jasonlionchaser tweets "Santa Claus @ St.Jude today! He's made a special trip to see the kids. Christmas in July!" I think Santa finally came under the realization that working one day a week in this economy is no longer an option. X8drummer8x is tweeting about the one thing that makes me happy to have finished high school...AP Exams!!!! :P And let's help oelandc figure out where to take his kids to eat in's my suggestion:

Nothing says safe, healthy eats like a giant rat! I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible (merely by a fluke).
On a more serious note, we are starting a segment simply called Prayers. If you need it, don't be hesitant in submitting your prayer requests to our facebook, myspace, twitter, or comment right here. Here's today's Prayers:
  • Katie Misha Powers: Discernment and direction in future decisions
  • Jennifer McNeil Broughton: Protection and strength. Her husband is training in Oklahoma now. He's in the army.
  • Kimberly Zachary Barnett: Success in her interview today and continued success
  • Quentin Lee Wireman: friend failed at committing suicide and is now in critical condition. Pray for his friend Billy's family and Billy.
  • Elizabeth Pangalangan: Needs help bringing her parents and older sister to Christ
  • Cheri' Meeks Mcgee: stay at home mom for 13 years, she needs direction.
  • Stephanie Pellos Van Duinen: Husband is unable to reenlist. Pray for a direction that fulfills God's purpose for them.
  • Tiffany Alvarado: Safety for her brother Travis in Afghanistan
  • Duffy Brunson Furtick: Lost job. Family is in a valley right now and can't see the light.
  • Ruby Daniels Brawlett: a man in her church named Norman recently lost his father. Pray for him and his family.
  • JD: Adoption
  • Dianna: friends who need jobs.
  • Victor: first baptist church to be able to do more outreach and for participation by more churches in Convoy of Love (
  • Anthony: money issues
  • Charles: VBS
  • Tricia Copeland Shingler: friends and family of Casie Barton who drowned this weekend.
  • Rikki Sampson: recovery from knee surgery
  • Meranda: Her bible study. The Lord to move through her girls.
  • Kelly Creed Gordon: Michelle is in the hospital
  • Christen Saunders Edmounds: strength for cousin's family...daughter in hospital.
  • Rochelle Tuttle: family going through those teenage years
Prayer is so powerful! As the church of God, it is extremely important to be there for each other. If one piece of the body is hurt, it affects the whole body. Catch us here tomorrow to win tickets to the Battery game as well as to see wassup with Charleston! Instead of a funny video for this weeks What YOU Are Watching, I'm leaving y'all with a throwback joint from Jaci Velasquez:

Monday, July 20, 2009

!Music Monday!

Hey guys, it is another Monday here at Way-Fm, and you know what that means...MUSIC!!! First off, there are major changes going on here at 100.9. Donna is going to be taking y'all on a Midday Cruz; Wally is moving to the afternoons from 3-8, and Jeff Connell is moving to nights. New times, same DJ's! Way-FM is also starting promotions on a new Concert Event. Rush of Fools and T Culler are coming to North Charleston's Northwood Baptist! Tickets can be found on or by visiting our website at :0 Way will also be at Picnic with the Penguins tomorrow @ the South Carolina Aquarium from 6-8.

So that's Wat's Going On @ Way. Now, let's Chat about the Charts courtesy of! Two big changes to the Hot 100 Christian Songs! Phillips, Craig and Dean's Revelation Song is this week's Greatest Gainer moving from number 4 to number 2, pushing Tenth Avenue's By Your Side to number three! Jonny Diaz's More Beautiful You, a song not in the top 5 last week, takes the number 5 spot, and Chris Tomlin's I Will Rise moves up to number four! Matthew West's The Motions is once again number one! The Greatest Gainer on the Christian Album Charts this week is Tenth Avenue North's Over and Underneath, skyrocketing from number 7 to number 2. The rest of the top 5 has remained unphased. Mary Mary's The Sound is number one, and Mat Kearney's City of Black and White is number 3. The latest from WOW Hits and Hillsong United wrap up this weeks top albums.

Today's edition of Album Spotlight features the latest from Stryper, Murder By Pride. The guys of Stryper are not amateurs. They've been in the Christian music game since the 1980's. They are a heavy metal hair band. Their name is an acronym for Salvation Through Redemption Yielding Peace, Encouragement and Righteousness...pretty sweet! The name also comes from Isaiah 53:5. Their music is pretty heavy, so fans of Natalie Grant and Jeremy Camp might not find this album aesthetically pleasing...check out their cover art:

Stryper is going on tour this September with new bassist Tracy Ferrier playing the first half and all four original members playing on the second half. Should be one full of mosh pits and headbangers...for Christ...Super SWEET :) Their album Murder By Pride hits music stores tomorrow!

Mick Jagger, Cougars, and golf...must be Talk'n Tweets! Supposedly, according to Lauren Barlow's grandmother, she looks like Mick Jagger! @AgnewsDei seems to think otherwise saying, "wwhhhaaa?!?Mick Jagger is a MAN?!?" Agnews...that's a lot of w's, h's, & a's and Mick Jagger is a man...just sayin! It kept people looking so hard for the facts and for others it was a revelation.On the other side of the Barlow gene pool, Rebecca has had her fix of better days. She tweets, " Only noon and so far, the bus died and we're goin to the show bus-less and I just sliced the tip of my LH finger and superglued it together, awesome!" Maybe Rebecca can add some periods to slice up that run on sentence. And, if you guys are scratching your heads, LH is an abbrev of Left Hand...I suppose! Brandon Heath is playing FRIZ GOLF...don't worry, I have no idea what that is either...hitting the little furbie thingies from that Star Trek episode comes to mind :P Ending on a high note, Scott Sanders, Tenth Avenue's Bass Guitar player, was attacked by a COUGAR...

Just kidding, that's our wassup cat!!! On tomorrow's Topics and Tweets, we are asking y'all what you are reading for the summer and for your prayer requests! I leave you guys now with your favorite Friday radio segment "Club Awesome" in today's Press Play Replay:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wassup Wednesday?!?!?

Dearest Way-FMers! Welcome to another edition of Wassup Wednesday where we discuss what's going on here at 100.9, your neighborhood, and the World!!!! Sorry for the lack of blog yesterday, but I was out at Carowinds roller coastering it up with Crosstowne Christian Church's Youth Group :o It was so much fun! Here is a pic of us posing with some celebrities:

I personally feel fellowship is a big part of the process of staying strong in your faith because it helps build accountability and makes it easier to share your faith! So whether it is a small group or youth group, I'm gonna challenge y'all to get connected :) So "that's wassup" with my youth group, but other youth groups are having fun filled yet educational ministry tonight and throughout the week: Charleston First Assembly is doing some outreach in the Melrose community in West Ashley today. They'll be meeting at the church at 630. First Assembly will also be going to the Riverdogs game this Saturday, and they'll be meeting at the church at 615! Palmetto Community Church is holding VBS next week from 530-830, and dinner is included! Their theme is Crocodile Dock! You can preregister at In Hollywood,SC, The Greenhouse Youth Ministry will be meeting tomorrow at 7pm for food, live worship, and teaching!

From the Lowcountry to the World, these stories might sound crazy, but "They're Legit!" In Rome this past weekend, a bride's bouquet crashed a plane. Supposedly, during the air wedding, the bouquet got caught in the aircraft's rear rotor! This definitely proved to be a Wedding the guests would never forget since their hospital bills probably won't let them...the state of Missouri has a new bed and breakfast opening a JAIL! The proceeds are being used to pay for new mattresses and costs a whopping 50 bucks. Pretty pricey for a place that some people get to spend years in for an Iphone convention this past weekend, someone thought it absolutely necessary to show off the Windows 95 software downloaded on his phone. I haven't seen such a clash of labels since last Sunday when a kid wore Converse sneakers with a Vans T-shirt :P Some were in a jam, especially since the name of the books were not capitalized, but the truth finally struck home to numbers of readers!

On a serious note, Way-Fm is teaming up with World Vision! World Vision is a program where you sponsor impoverished children from various locations around the world. The donations go to helping out the child and his/her community. Keep in mind that some of these children have had sponsors that have stopped sponsoring them since the economic recession! We are trying to bring these children hope when they feel like they have none and by contributing with your prayers and donations you are showing them that there is someone looking out for them/someone they can turn to. For more information or to sponsor a child visit

Monday, July 13, 2009

Music Monday

Welcome one and all to today's edition of Music Monday where we venture into the reason we all turn on 100.9 to begin with...the music! First off, I feel as if I owe an apology to the Carolina RAILHAWKS who I ineptly referred to as the Carolina Redhawks in the blog last week as well as in various other social network devices. In my defense, I have never heard of a Railhawk in my life...MY BAD. Secondly, Way-FM Charleston would like to thank everyone for coming out to celebrate our birthday! Special thanks to Space Walk of Charleston and the maker of some fantastic cupcakes! I will be posting a video of the event this Wednesday on our Wassup?!?! segment! As always, we want to hear from our listeners. Is there a book you are reading this summer? Wassup with y'alls youth groups and churches? Have a testimony that correlates with today's Word on the Way(Herbrews 2:18)? Or do you just want to say hey? Message/Friend us on Facebook or Myspace, follow us on Twitter, or subscribe to our youtube :)
With Way-FM logistical things out of the way, lets talk music; more specifically, let's Chat about the Charts! This week on's Hot Christian Songs, Phillips, Craig and Dean's "Revelation Song" has jumped up from number 6 to number 4 making it this weeks greatest gainer and knocking Chris Tomlin's "I will rise" from number 4 to number 5. Besides that, there isn't a lot of fluctuation in this week's top 5. Matthew West's "The Motions" holds on to the top spot followed by "By Your Side" from the guys of Tenth Avenue North and "In the Hands of God" from the Newsboys! Jason Crabb's self titled album debuted at number two this week while Mary Mary's The Sound took the coveted number one spot from Matt Kearney's City of Black and White which fell two spots to number 3. Once again, WOW Hits and Hillsong United round up the top five albums.
Since compilations are popular on the charts this week, it's no surprise that today's Music Monday Spotlight is on Glory Revealed II. The initial Glory Revealed gave us the hit "By His Wounds" but by no means are the artists contributing to this compilation worried about record sales. Glory Revealed is the brain child of Third Day's Mac Powell(creator of the Music Boat as well :P) and acclaimed writer David Nasser(A Call to Die). The CD acts as a supplement to the Bible with songs directly inspired by its words. The album draws inspiration from Psalm 22, Psalm 116, Hebrews 13:5-6 and many more. The compilation includes Mark Hall from Casting Crowns, Amy Grant, Brandon Heath, Natalie Grant, Jason Crabb, Mike Donehey of Tenth Avenue North, Aaron Shust, and Sara Evens. The album was recorded in a retreat like setting to create an ambiance of fellowship and reflection. Brandon Heath, who does a song with Aaron Shust and Mike Donehey, was excited to work on the album saying he "loves how you can teach people the word through song!" Glory Revealed II comes out tomorrow!

Diverting our attention to some rather frivolous yet super amazing news...We're Talk'n Tweets! The following three images were tweet pic'd by three different artist yet share a distinct similarity:

Yes my friend's, Mike Donehey, Matthew West, and Matt Kearney have decided to Tweet about...LANDMARKS!!!!!! So not a lot is going on but some publicity/home baseball games :O In other news, Barlow Girl announced via Twitter that edits are in the works on their latest video!!! On their website, they are taking questions from their fans :)
We're gonna wrap today's Music Monday with huge Jeremy Camp news...He's going on Tour. The "Speaking Louder than Before: The Tour 09" will be Jeremy Camp's first headlining tour in two years. The tour also features Dove award winner Natalie Grant and label mate Bebo Norton! So that's the good part...the bad part is that his tour, as of now, is not headed to Charleston,SC. The closest place to see him will be in Raleigh, North Carolina!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wassup Wednesday?!?!

Hello ladies and gentlemen of Way-FM! Today we asked you to tell us what's going on with your youth groups, churches, and beloved Lowcountry, and y'all definitely did not disappoint! If you are in the mood for some good eating, Meranda Monahan invites you guys to Dorchester Library where it will be holding a "Play with your Food" event where they will provide you with chocolate and pretzels if you supply the artistic talent. I don't want to toot my own horn, BUT I make a pretty mean pretzel statue. If art of the abstract food sculpting sort is not your cup of tea, why not snag a cup of coffee at Muddy Waters tomorrow night! Alice Hambright wrote in about this event inviting y'all to the Palmetto Acoustic Series in West Ashley! SOUNDS like a blast!

Charleston is also holding a lot of church events this week in various locations around the Lowcountry! Faith Assembly of God is having fun in their youth group. Their Summerfest promises to be both enriching and full of water...that's right, WATER GAMES! I'll definitely be praying for them because, with the sporadic rain these days, water week can quickly turn into a let's stand in one place and get soaked week! I don't know about you, but I love water balloons! The folks at Camp St. Christopher are in the middle of Senor Highs Week and are feeling the presence there! Nixville Baptist Church youth group has just returned from a missions trip @ Hunting Island Campground where they taught a backyard Bible School for the campers and screened Fireproof for the paremts!Crossroads Community Church is hosting a Strong Man Pull and Live Clue game tonight @630 while Charleston First Assembly in West Ashley is hosting a scavenger hunt downtown and having service tonight @ 630. At 7, Hillcrest Baptist, Riverbend Christian, and Friendship Baptists are teaming up at Riverbend tonight for their weekly ROCKIN' worship service! Fast forwarding to August, Sandridge First Baptist is holding a youth rally in August as well as Summerville Family Worship Center!

Unfortunately the current USL first division leaders The Charleston Battery were no match for arguably the best MLS team and 2 time defending MLS Champs the Houston Dynamo losing in a 4-0 match that some critics are calling more of a clinic than an actual game :P Geoff Cameron scored two goals and John Hayden had two assists! check out the pics of yesterday's game ->

Speaking about The Charleston Battery, they face the Carolina Red Hawks this Saturday at 730pm but before you guys hit the game, don't forget the MOST HAPPENING EVENT of the week "Way-FM's Birthday Bash!" We are holding the event at Blackbaud stadium from 5-7pm. We will have a jump castle provided by Space Walk of Charleston and a grill. YES, there will be a tailgate, so you bring the food, and we'll fire up the grill!!! Gonna be Super Fun! And that's WASSUP!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday's Topics and Tweets

Hello faithful 100.9 listeners and readers...WE DID IT...We have reached an entire year on air, and our family at Way-FM Charleston would like to take this time to thank God for such a blessing and express our sincerest gratitude to our fans for listening. Thank You!!!!

Continuing with our birthday theme, today's topic is Favorite Birthday Memories! We asked our Facebook friends to submit, and you guys have responded with some great stories :) Brandi Hallas Vanderhoof wrote us saying her favorite birthday was her 16th but not because of an extravagant party. She explains that during her birthday she was really sick, going in and out of consciousness, but what made it extra special was the love she felt. She explains how her now-husband(boyfriend at the time) was there for her during the whole ordeal and how her faith was strengthened. And they have been married now for 20 years :o Now that is what I call a Sweet Sixteen. Mary Smith Hess' favorite birthday involved her husband as well when they spent the weekend @ The Charleston Place Hotel! That is always a sweet deal. Marissa Feathers' birthday memory is close to my heart because I share the same birthday memory! She remembers her opening night of My Fair Lady at the Flowertown Theater as a member of the cast. Two years ago, your blogger had an opening night birthday starring as Conrad Birdie in Bye Bye Birdie! What made it so great was the fact that,yes the audience sung Happy Birthday to me, but I felt I was giving them a show. It's a little cliche to say it's better to give than receive, but its so great when you move past celebrating yourself for a second to remember why you were put on the give back :) Joy Stra wrote, "Yeah!!! Love your station and the music you play. Love it even better when my kids sing with it." This is so awesome. Today we are reminded of God's use for us! To spread the word in a way that connects to a universal audience. To plant seeds. Here's to another year of what God has planned for us! Keep your comments and messages coming about your favorite Birthday memories, today's Word on the Way (2 Corinthians 4:8&9), or whatever is on your mind...We'd LOVE to hear from y'all <3

Switching gears to today's Tweet randomness! Jars of Clay seem to be using their two hands for exercising! Stephen Mason is playing Tennis this morning, and Dan Haseltine "is going to brave the humidity and go for a run!" Maybe Stephen was inspired by last weekends tennis matches...who knows :p Barlow Girl's Alyssa had the total opposite day yesterday tweeting,"Wow. I totally slept till noon!! Umm i almost feel guilty about it, I think I slept like 11 hours. good times..." Lauren Barlow poetically tweets," Today was simple but it was really wonderful...I liked it alot..." That's a lot of ellipses. Just shows she has a lot to say yet doesn't need to say it! Gotta love Barlow Girl...haha! Especially when they post pics like this

In other Twitter News, Matthew West announced his surprise when NASCAR played The Motions in one of their recent races, and Aaron Shust is driving around in a door less jeep...something this blogger could not do :o Jeremy Camp tweets that he's going on Tour this fall!!! More about that to come in the following weeks!

Let's take sometime today to Cover the Covers! On this months digital cover of CCM Magazine is the band Leeland with a blurb on the side that advertises for Music Boat 2010. Third Day is sponsoring the cruise, yet the David Crowder Band is headlining. The cruise starts in Miami and ends in the Keys! I just love the fact that the Boat is called the Music Boat!!! Contemplate the name for could just be a me thing! Actress Zooey Dechanel is on the cover of Relevant this month where the mag asks us if we knew that Craig Hartin, the creator of Hunger Force is a Christian. In the article, Hartin expresses the importance of drawing the line between what is lighthearted and what is offensive in animated comedy shows. Lastly, I'd like to draw attention to HM , a magazine all about the hardcore Christian movement. Nothing says hardcore like a double cover, one in the front and one in the back :P

The Way-FM family would love to express once again our gratitude to our readers/listeners! Thank you!! We leave you today with a video by Glory Revealed II regarding Brandon Heath's new project with them! If you guys have any Youtube vids we should be watching, send us a comment!!! We'd love to use it for next week's "What YOU watch" segment! God Bless!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Music Monday

Hello wonderful 100.9 Way-FM listeners and blog followers. On today's edition of Press Play we are recapping your 4th of Julys and checking in on whats happening in Christian music today. We asked you guys on Facebook to share your 4th of July plans and the popular hot spots this 4th were church, home, the beach, and the park. Our most inventive response comes from Alice Hambright who wrote "I will be indoors with my hands over my ears...trying to comfort two large dogs who share my opinion of gunshot noise!" Haven't we all been there with our pets. If you have any more interesting stories in regards to the 4th of July feel free to message us on Facebook or our blog! We'd also love to hear about how today's word on the way (Hebrews 11:1)has affected you.

In today's Twitter updates, not much is going on with your favorite artists. It seems as if their Tweets went on vacation during the holiday as well :P Matthew West has tweeted "Played With Kids in the yard, walked to town festival, burgers on the grill. Life is good!" In the same family oriented sense Matt Kearney tweets "I got to go home for 2 days. Nashville is a big wetness, but I love it. Happy late 4th...I love you." Celebrations are in order for tenth Avenue North Guitarist Jeff Owen who tweets,"Got a target gift card for my Birthday. Heather encouraged me to get a Transformer toy. I did." Just goes to show that growing old just gives you an excuse to stay young :o has posted the charts for this week, and it appears that the Matts are on Top. Matthew West has taken the top spot in the Hottest Christian Songs in America with "The Motions." Finishing up the top five is Tenth Avenue North's "By Your Side" at number 2, "In the Hands of God" by the Newsboys at number 3, Chris Tomlin with "I Will Rise" at 4 and Brandon Heath at five with "Wait and See." On the Hottest Christian Albums chart, Matt Kearney comes in at number one with City of Black and White. Songstresses Mary Mary hold on to number two with The Sound. The last three positions are taken up by the latest from Newsboys, WOW Hits, and Hillsong United!

Wrapping up today's Music Monday, we leave you with some pictures posted by Brandon Heath on his Twitter! Feel Free to comment and God Bless!